
Yee Hong Centre - Home of Culturally Appropriate Care
- Managing Sexuality and Intimacy Issues among Seniors
- Chinese-English Communication Handbook for Health Care
- The Changing Needs of Chinese Seniors in the Greater Toronto Area
- Mapping Ourselves: Current Services and Resources for Chinese Caregivers & Caregiver Barriers and Needs
- My Caregiving Companion
- Vibrant Lives – Happiness in Middle Age and Old Age
- Busting the Myths About Dementia (DVD)
- Understanding Chinese Cultures – A Handbook for Health Care and Rehabilitation Professionals
- Seniorgarten (Collector’s Edition)
- Resources for Patients and Caregivers
- Play Intervention for Dementia Caregivers’ & Volunteers’ Practice Workbook Built on the foundation of SSLD
- Virtual Reality Guidebook
- I Can Dance Instructional Manual
Ordering Information
To order our books and pamphlets, please contact the Yee Hong Caregiver Education and Support Services:
Unit 17, 360B Hwy 7 East, Richmond Hill, ON L4B 3Y7, Canada
Tel: 905-597-9380
Fax: 416-321-6313

Managing Sexuality and Intimacy Issues among Seniors
Language: English
ISBN: 978-0-9869088-6-6
Year of publication: 2014
Price: CAD $30.00 (Taxes included, shipping and handling extra)
Download order form
Sexuality and intimacy is often viewed as a topic of taboo among seniors. Recognizing that it is a part of life at all stages, the Yee Hong Centre for Geriatric Care has partnered with Professor A. Ka Tat Tsang of the Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work at the University of Toronto to develop an appropriate intervention. After three years of research and development, we have created a proactive procedure and a practical handbook which we believe is first of its kind.
Based on the SSLD (Strategies and Skills Learning and Development) System, this book provides practical skills and case studies in managing sexuality and intimacy issues among seniors. A must-read for all health professionals!

Chinese-English Communication Handbook for Health Care
Revised and Expanded Edition, 2013
Language: Bilingual in English and Chinese
ISBN: 978-0-9869088-4-2 (English and Traditional Chinese)
ISBN: 978-0-9869088-5-9 (English and Simplified Chinese) Year of publication: 2013
Price: CAD $15.00 (Taxes included, shipping and handling extra)
The Communication Handbook for Health Care provides Chinese-English translations of commonly used terms in health care. Based on normal clinical procedures, it includes useful conversational phrases between the clinician and the patient, glossaries for different clinical settings as well as basic health information. The bilingual handbook can be used as a communication tool between English-speaking health care professionals and Chinese-speaking patients.
Since its first edition in 1998, this handbook has been well received by both patients and health care providers. The new Revised and Expanded Edition is available in traditional and simplified Chinese. The updated appendices include an In Case of Emergency Information Sheet, bilingual glossaries of health care specialists and hospital departments, and useful government and community resources in the Greater Toronto Area.

The Changing Needs of Chinese Seniors in the Greater Toronto Area
Language: English
ISBN: 978-0-9869088-3-5
Year of publication: 2013
Price: FREE
Funded by the Ontario Trillium Foundation and in partnership with the University of Toronto Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work, this research study aims to identify the changing needs of Chinese seniors who live in the Greater Toronto Area (specifically Toronto, Markham, Richmond Hill, and Mississauga). Using a mixed methods approach, data was collected from 655 seniors and service providers, caregivers, and other informants at the Yee Hong Centre for Geriatric Care.
The study documents the common needs amongst Chinese seniors (seeking help with physical care, mental health issues, spiritual needs and the final stage of life), giving special attention to (1) Changes in circumstances such as demographics and social environment, (2) Major transitions in life such as immigration, retirement, or onset of chronic conditions (3) Needs emerging as a result of the interaction between service users and the service system. The findings also cover the special needs of middle-aged adults and caregivers, the role of gender amongst caregivers, as well as the unique needs of Mandarin-speaking seniors and middle-aged adults. Sensitive issues such as elder abuse, sexuality, and attitudes towards death and dying have also been explored. Recommendations are provided to inform future service planning and program development.

Mapping Ourselves: Current Services and Resources for Chinese Caregivers & Caregiver Barriers and Needs
Language: English & Chinese
Year of publication: 2013
Price: FREE
In 2012, the Chinese Caregiver Network obtained input from the participating agencies as well as caregivers through agency interviews and caregiver focus groups to assess current services. This report provides a general overview of the existing caregiver services available through the member agencies of the Chinese Caregiver Network, as well as highlighting caregiver needs and capacities.

My Caregiving Companion
Language: English
ISBN: 978-0-9869088-2-8
Year of publication: 2012
Price: CAD $5.00 (Taxes included, shipping and handling extra)
Download Simplified Chinese version
This booklet aims to equip family caregivers with the relevant knowledge and resources needed in caring for loved ones. Section I of the booklet provides self-care tips for the caregiver, including time and stress management. Section II provides practical tips such as how to work with medical professionals, home safety, as well as government and community resources for in-home care, respite, long-term care, transportation and financial support. More resources are listed in the Appendix, together with 16 monthly calendars and blank notes.
My Caregiving Companion was published in separate English and Traditional Chinese versions. A Simplified Chinese version without calendars can be downloaded here.

Vibrant Lives – Happiness in Middle Age and Old Age
Language: Chinese
ISBN: 978-0-9869088-0-4
Year of publication: 2011
Price: CAD $15.00 (Taxes included, shipping and handling extra)
This book is a compilation of 90 newspaper articles authored by social service professionals at Yee Hong to promote active living and psychosocial wellness for seniors. The articles also offer practical tips and connections to support networks for the well being of family caregivers.

Busting the Myths About Dementia
Language: Cantonese with English subtitles
Year of publication: 2010
Price: FREE
Sponsored by the Ontario Trillium Foundation, this DVD is a one-stop shop for commentary from an interdisciplinary team to outline the symptoms of Dementia for caregiving families to watch out for. Tips on providing care for the Dementia-affected population are also provided.

Understanding Chinese Cultures – A Handbook for Health Care and Rehabilitation Professionals
Language: English
ISBN: 0-9683835-0-5
Year of publication: 1998
Price: FREE
This Handbook provides an overview and examples of the major cultural elements affecting behaviors and attitudes of Chinese people toward health, illness and disability, which in turn may complicate diagnosis, treatment and recovery.
The information can help health care providers assess clinical situations with a broader cultural perspective and equip them with strategies for culturally appropriate interventions and management.
The book consists of three parts: Framework of Chinese Cultures, Implications for Health Care and Culture at Work.
“…This book is well-written, concise and easy to read, providing a practical overview for health care professionals. It serves as a good reference and resource to assist in expanding the understanding of the impact of culture on the behaviour of our clients/patients. It also provides readers with the opportunity to challenge their understanding of other cultures.”
– Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy, October 2000

SeniorGarten – Collector’s Edition
Language: Chinese
ISBN: 0-9683835-3-X
Year of publication: 2001
Price: CAD $10.00 (Taxes included, shipping and handling extra)
The book covers a wide variety of articles under six sections:
- Aging in Happiness
- Rainbow in the Mist
- (Understanding common senior illnesses and coping with them)
- Greetings in Difficult Times
- Endless Love
- Utopia
- A Life Well Lived
When an issue is touched upon, the book always presents both the rational and emotional aspects of an issue, enabling readers to gain deeper insights.

Palliative Care – Dedicated to the Caregivers
Language: Chinese
Year of publication: 1998
Price: FREE
The book was dedicated to caregivers that are caring for patients with terminal illness. It is a very helpful resource for people who are taking care of a dying family member or friend. It touches on the caring of both the patient and the caregivers themselves, as well as coping with bereavement after death. It also includes community resources and a to-do list for arranging a funeral.
The chapters of the book are as follows:
- The Dying Person’s Bill of Rights
- Caring for the Dying Person
- Self-Care for Caregivers
- Community Resources
- Inspirational Stories

Care for People with Alzheimer’s Disease
Language: Chinese
Year of publication: 2000
Price: FREE
This brochure aims at helping families of Alzheimer patients understand the nature of this illness which affects many seniors. It provides helpful suggestions on supporting the patients and helping the caregivers to cope with their stress resulting from handling the patients.

New Life after Stroke
Language: Chinese
Year of publication: 1999
Price: FREE
This book answers some of the frequently asked questions about stroke, and addresses the behavioural and emotional disruptions that are common in families affected by stroke. It also provides helpful suggestions on how to support the patient and handle difficult situations.

Care for People with Parkinson’s Disease
Language: Chinese
Year of publication: 2004
Price: FREE
Parkinson’s disease is a chronic disease that affects many seniors. This pamphlet lists suggestions on helping the patient manage the disease in medication, diet, physical exercise, recreational activities and safety in daily routines. It also touches on communicating with the patient and tending to their emotional well being, as well as coping with stress arising from caring for the patient.

Elder Care vs. Elder Abuse
Language: Chinese
Year of publication: 2005
Price: FREE
The pamphlet defines different types of elder abuse, such as physical, sexual, emotional, negligent, economic and abuse in institutions. It explores how extra undertaking, contribution not being recognized, changes in lifestyle, built-up stress, and lack of support can give rise to abusive behaviour, and how caregivers can avoid falling into the trap. The community resources further help caregivers seek the support they need.

Play Intervention for Dementia Caregivers’ & Volunteers’ Practice Workbook Built on the foundation of SSLD
Year of publication: 2015
Price: FREE
Funded by the Ontario Trillium Foundation and in partnership with the University of Toronto Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work, this practice workbook provides caregivers and volunteers a knowledge framework and practical approach to understanding the use of Play Intervention for Dementia concepts.

Virtual Reality Guidebook
Language: English
Year of publication: 2019
Price: CAD $10.00
Funded by the Ontario Ministry of Seniors Affairs through the Seniors Community Grant Program, this guidebook will share Yee Hong’s experiences and observations in piloting the Virtual Reality for Seniors (VRS) Program, explore different types of virtual reality devices, and provide tips and best practices for facilitating seniors’ programming using virtual reality technology.

I Can Dance Instructional Manual
Language: English
Year of publication: 2023
Price: FREE
Yee Hong Centre for Geriatric Care, in collaboration with Dance DNA Studio, developed and delivered the “I Can Dance Program.” A grant from the Ontario Trillium Foundation helped to provide high quality programming, supporting the delivery of a dance fitness program for seniors living with chronic diseases and are at risk of mobility impairments. This instructional manual was created to further engage seniors living with mobility issues in an active lifestyle.