- We Care, by being compassionate to our people, seeking to understand and support each other, respecting diversity, promoting inclusion, and supporting individuals to be independent and make their own choices.
- We Collaborate, by working as a united team to achieve our shared vision, pursue enhancement opportunities, overcome challenges, and make a positive impact on our clients, staff, and community.
- We Commit, to continuous learning, innovation, and improvement, as well as to championing equity and social justice and empowering our people to live their authentic selves.
While EDI has been part of our DNA for decades, in December 2022, we launched an official EDI working group with representation across the organization to formalize our commitment. Since starting, the working group has designed specific initiatives against our EDI vision and framework.
A key outcome is the creation of a Yee Hong EDI Toolkit, which provides practical tools, guides, and other resources to support staff, physicians, volunteers, and community members in enhancing EDI across our continuum of care.

Importantly, our toolkit is not static; it will be updated and improved as we learn and adapt and we will continue to report our progress in creating an inclusive environment where everyone belongs and has opportunities to reach their full potential!