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Caregiver Wellness: I Can Dance— English Waltz Basic Dance Workshop (Cantonese / English)
Thursday February 29, 2024 @ 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM

If you are starting out and not sure which dances to learn, come join us and dance together. We are going to introduce and demonstrate the Basic steps of English Waltz.
Fee/ 費用: 每人$15/ per person
Address/ 地址: Yee Hong Chinese Evergreen Auditorium 頤康松柏新邨禮堂
2319 MicNicoll Avenue, Scarborough, ON, M1V 5L2
Registration & Enquiries 報名及查詢
請致電 416-412-4571 X 5641 或電郵至 icandance@yeehong.com