Caregiving and healthy Aging (In person Workshop) – Mandarin
Address: Yee Hong Centre – Caregiver Education and Resource Centre Unit 17, 360B Hwy 7 East, Richmond Hill, ON, L4B 3Y7 To register: Please call 416-412-4571 ext.2363
Age Well AT Home Project – Cantonese
The service plan mainly includes three major categories: System Navigation, Falls Prevention Clinic and Home maintenance. Click here for registration
Caregiver Physical and Mental Health Series : Music and Stress Relief – Cantonese
Talk about what is stress, sources of stress and ways to reduce stress including how we use music to reduce our stress. Click here for registration
For Caregivers: Hearing and Loss and Aging -English
Click JSS to Register
Ontario Electricity Support Program (In-person workshop) – Mandarin
Yee Hong Centre – Caregiver Education and Resource Centre Unit 17, 360B Hwy 7 East, Richmond Hill, ON, L4B 3Y7 To register: Please Call 416-412-4571 (ext. 2363)
Caregiving Tips: Housework at Ease – Cantonese
Often housework involves repetitive movements which can easily cause injuiries with symptoms such as tingling, numbness, muscle pain and join pain. In this workshop, we will know about tips on correct postures when getting your chores done, and tools to simplify your chores. Click Here for Registration
Elder Care Series — Intergenerational Communication Skills- Mandarin
Many elderly caregivers not only need to take care of their partners but also look after children, who often do not listen. Communicating with children is actually similar to communicating with the elderly. Let's learn communication skills between the young and the old together." Click here for Registration
Walking Together: Caregiver Support Group
Address:2780 Bur Oak Ave, Markham, ON L6B 1C9 To register: Please call 416-412-4571 ext 2362
Common Muscle Aches and Pain Free Exercises-Cantonese
This workshop will share about the causes of the common body pain and stretching exercises. Click here for Registration
Tracking Health through Daily Movement Behaviour (In-person Workshop)-Mandarin
We spend most of our time in intervals of physical activity, sedentary behavior and sleep. In the session, we will discuss how there these different components of daily activity impact our health. Promoting healthy behaviors in older adults to optimize health-promoting lifestyle and to minimize the damage caused by diseases and to maintain physical function […]
Caregiver’s Guide: How to Reconnect with Loved Ones with Dementia Through Music-Cantonese
Music can break down communication barriers caused by dementia, helping caregivers reconnect with their loved ones. Music not only improves their quality of life but also brings more joyful family moments. In this webinar, we will share with you how music can benefit and reconnect with people living with dementia. Click here for Registration
Eating Tips for Caregivers : Nutrition and Aging— 8 Myths and Misconceptions-Mandarin
With information expansion, it became more and more difficult to distinguish whether it is true or not. For this session, we will select 8 common nutrition statements and let’s discuss if they are true. Click here for Registration
Getting on Board: Exploring TTC Wheel Trans’s Essential Services-English with Cantonese translation
How does aging affect hearing? And what is age-related hearing loss? Please join this workshop to get to know more about your hearinfgas you age. Click here for Registration
Get Moving… Health Exercise – Cantonese
"Move if you want to live"-Use proper limb stretching and breathing adjustment to strengthen body functions, promote blood circulation, improve brain cell metabolism, benefit the nervous system and maintain a stable mood. Participants must wear comfortable clothing and exercise shoes. Note: Participants must wear comfortable clothing, sports shoes, and set aside a small space for […]
Eating Tips for Caregivers : Nutrition and Aging— Caregiving and DASH Diet- Mandarin
DASH diet has been identified to help managing chronic health conditions. This session will focus on how to organize the DASH diet and how can we adapt it to our daily life. Click here for Registration
Dementia Seminar – Supportive Communication – English
Click JSS to Register
Understanding the Meaning of Emotions-Mandarin
Whether caregivers or those being cared for, negative emotions are frequently encountered during the caregiving process. Are negative emotions bad emotions? Each emotion has its own meaning. This workshop will help everyone understand emotions and master emotional management techniques. Click here for Registration
Dementia Seminar – Understanding Behaviour- English
The first seminar will focus on providing participants with the knowledge of how behaviours and communication can change over the course of the dementia. This seminar aims to help participants: Understand how dementia can affect a person’s behaviour and communication Recognize that behaviour is a form of communication Learn how to understand and interpret person’s […]
Tracking Health through Daily Movement Behavior (In-person Workshop)-Mandarin
We spend most of our time in intervals of physical activity, sedentary behavior and sleep. In the session, we will discuss how there these different components of daily activity impact our health. Promoting healthy behaviors in older adults to optimize health-promoting lifestyle and to minimize the damage caused by diseases and to maintain physical function […]
Caregiver Tips: Retirement Planning
For many caregivers, in addition to the stress from caregiving, finance can be also a stress as well. This workshop will share financial planning information to prepare for yourself and your loved ones. Address/ 地址:North York Chinese Baptist Church 2/F, 685 Sheppard Ave. East, Toronto Note: This is a free workshop. For inquiries or registration, […]
Self-Care for Caregivers-Mandarin
Before taking care of others, you should first take care of yourself. Let's learn to develop self-care habits, including stress management skill, to equip ourselves for the caring journey ahead. Click here for Registration
Introduction to Long Term Care in Ontario-Cantonese
Moving into long-term care is a very difficult decision for the applicant and their family. This session will help you to know more about long-term care homes in Ontario and application procedures. You will learn: What is a long-term care home? Eligibility Services and cost How to apply Click here for Registration
Walking Together: Caregiver Support Group
Address:2780 Bur Oak Ave, Markham, ON L6B 1C9 To register: Please call 416-412-4571 ext 2362
How do Emotions Affect Physical and Mental Health?-Cantonese
Emotions can influence our behaviors, which directly impact the body’s functions and overall health. In this webinar, we’ll discuss ways to care for your emotions and mental health. 請按此處登記
Caregiver Health Series : Hunch Back and Postures in Seniors-Cantonese
Bad postures can be harmful to seniors' health. This talk will provide information on the causes of hunchback in the elderly and exercises about how to improve their postures. Click here for Registration
How to Communicate with People Living with Dementia-Cantonese
As dementia progresses, patients may exhibit various communication and behavioral issues. This workshop will introduce different techniques to assist caregivers in communicating with patients. Click here for Registration
Introduction on Retirement Home (In-person Workshop)-Mandarin
This session will provide an overview of retirement living, including services, amenities, lifestyle options, and details about respite stay options. We will also share practical tips and advice to help family caregivers to understand more about retirement living. Address:360 Highway 7 E., Unit 17, Richmond Hill To register: Please call 416-412-4571 ext 2363
Get Moving… Health Exercise-Cantonese
"Move if you want to live"-Use proper limb stretching and breathing adjustment to strengthen body functions, promote blood circulation, improve brain cell metabolism, benefit the nervous system and maintain a stable mood. Participants must wear comfortable clothing and exercise shoes. Click here for Registration
Introduction on Retirement Home- Cantonese
This session will provide an overview of retirement living, including services, amenities, lifestyle options, and details about respite stay options. We will also share practical tips and advice to help family caregivers to understand more about retirement living. Click here for Registration
Caregiver Mental Health: Self-Care and Emotional Labor Management- Mandarin
The content of this workshop will cover practical methods such as time management, healthy lifestyle choices, mindfulness meditation, and relaxation techniques. The goal is to help everyone find space for self-care amid busy work schedules and enhance their ability to handle stress. Click here for Registration