護老專題: 認識失智症 (現場講座) For Caregivers: Dementia 101 (In-person workshop) (Cantonese)
Address/ 地址: 頤康護老教育及資源中心 360 Highway 7 E., Unit 17, Richmond Hill 現場講座請致電416-412-4571 內線2363
長者精神健康系列:認識長者焦慮症 Understanding Anxiety in the Elderly (Cantonese)
Elderly Mental Health Series: Understanding Anxiety in the Elderly - What are the symptoms of Anxiety in the elderly? How is the treatment? In this workshop, the speaker will share with you more about symptoms of anxiety, treatment and how to find community resources to help the patients. Click here for Registration 請按此處登記
護老錦囊:缺乏維生素B12與貧血 Caregiving Tips— Vitamin B12: A key Player to Avoid Anemia (Mandarin)
Anemia is often related to a lack of iron but another nutrient vitamin B12 is also an important player in the blood making process and need to be aware of. Click here for Registration 請按此處登記
家居和社區護理支持服務(現場講座) For Caregiver: Home and Community Care Support Services (In-person workshop) (Mandarin)
The seminar will help you understand what Home and Community Care Support Services are in Ontario and how to access the home care services to stay at home. Address/ 地址: 頤康護老教育及資源中心 360 Highway 7 E., Unit 17, Richmond Hill 現場講座請致電416-412-4571 內線2363
網上烹飪新體驗—營養師與你烹出美味新口味 Virtual Cooking Class— Cook with Dietitian (Cantonese)
Registration and inquiries/ 報名及查詢: 416-412-4571 ext 內線2608 林先生 Mr. Nicky Lam
失智症與失智症的居家照顧 Understanding and Supporting a Person with Dementia at Home (Cantonese)
Gaining a better understanding of what dementia and what it is like to live with dementia can help you support someone with the condition at home. Click here for Registration 請按此處登記
Infection Prevention and Control in Household 家居感染預防及控制 (Cantonese 廣東話)
In this session we provide the IPAC knowledge people need to keep themselves and their family safe from infections. Participants will learn how to perform proper hand hygiene, when and how to use personal protective equipment safely, and best practices for outbreak management. Click here for Registration 請按此處登記
Understanding and Supporting a Person with Dementia at Home 失智症与失智症的居家照顾(2) (Mandarin)
Gaining a better understanding of what dementia and what it is like to live with dementia can help you support someone with the condition at home. Click Here for Registration
Healthy Eating on a Budget 如何在預算內吃得健康 (English 英文)
Eating healthy while coping with rising food prices can be a challenge. Join our Eating Healthy on a Budget seminar for practical tips and expert advice on how to maintain a nutritious diet without exceeding your budget. Click here for Registration 請按此處登記
長期護理院簡介(現場講座) For Caregivers: Introduction to Long Term Care Homes (In-person workshop) (Mandarin 普通話/ 國語)
Moving into long-term care can be a difficult decision for both the elderly moving and their family. This session will help you to understand long-term care homes in Ontario and get help applying. Address/ 地址: 頤康護老教育及資源中心 360 Highway 7 E., Unit 17, Richmond Hill 現場講座請致電 416-412-4571 內線 2363
長者精神健康系列: 認識長者「急性精神昏亂」Understanding Delirium (Cantonese 廣東話)
Elderly Mental Health Series: Understanding Delirium in the Elderly - What are the symptoms? How is the treatment? In this workshop, the speaker will share with you more about symptoms of delirium and treatment Ms. Teresa Fung (Social Worker at Yee Hong Centre 頤康中心安省註冊社工) Click here for Registration 請按此處登記
護老專題: 政府福利及服務概覽 Service Canada Workshop: Overview of Government Benefits and Services (English 英文)
In this workshop, you will find information about financial programs, benefits and other services offered by Service Canada for seniors and caregivers who are retired or at pre-retirement age. Learn about the Canada Pension Plan, Old Age Security and Guaranteed Income Supplement, Allowance, and much more! Click here for Registration 請按此處登記
Introduce “System Navigation”, “Fall Prevention” and “Home Improvement” Services (Cantonese)
Introduce "System Navigation", "Fall Prevention" and "Home Improvement" Services Click here for Registration 請按此處登記
Caregiving Tips: Debunk Nutritional Myths Together 護老錦囊: 揭秘營養誤區 (Mandarin 普通話 / 國語)
From protein intake to food dexo, from natural supplement to egg cholesterol, this interactive session will discuss 15 common nutritional myths in the elderly. Click here for Registration 請按此處登記
關於 RSV 及其他疫苗的最新資訊 Information about RSV Vaccine and other Vaccines (Mandarin 普通話 / 國語)
在本次講座,演講者將提供有關 RSV 疫苗和其他疫苗的最新資訊。 Click here for Registration 請按此處登記
Programs and Services For Older Adults In Ontario (Cantonese)
Senior Housing , Senior financial assistance, Assisted living services , Leisure activities , Mental support Click here for Registration 請按此處登記
Understanding Psychosis Disorder in the Elderly (Cantonese)
Elderly Mental Health Series: Understanding Psychosis Disorder in the Elderly - You can know more about Psychosis Disorder? causes of psychosis, signs and symptoms of psychosis, types, risk factors, its treatment and community resources. Click here for Registration 請按此處登記
Basic Social Dance— Dance for Health (Cantonese)
If you are starting out and not sure which dances to learn, come join us and dance together. We are going to introduce and demonstrate the Basic steps of social dances. Click here for Registration 請按此處登記
Be Ready : Emergency Preparedness Workshop (English)
Learn how to prepare and protect yourself and your household by participating in a Be Ready:Emergency Preparedness workshop. You can learn about: The risks in your community The types of disasters and emergencies that can affect you Assembling an emergency kit Developing an emergency communication plan Developing an evacuation plan Click JSS to Register
For Caregivers: Medication Safety for Seniors (Cantonese)
Most older adults take several different prescription medications. But often they don’t know he importance of medication safety that may lead to taking the wrong medication, adjusting the dosage by themselves, or even stopping medication without permission from doctor or pharmacist. In this lecture, a registered pharmacist will explain in detail about how to take […]
Ontario’s Advanced Care Planning (Cantonese)
In this seminar, you will know more about Ontario's "Advance Care Planning", the role of Substitute Decision Maker(s) and how to start talking to you loved one about "Advance Care Planning" Click here for Registration 請按此處登記
Sleep Health (Cantonese)
Understanding more about the nature of sleep will refresh your thinking on the sleep process and help to improve your sleep quality. Click here for Registration 請按此處登記
Caregiving Tips: Diabetes Prevention and Management (Cantonese)
Diabetes is a chronic disease that occurs either when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin or when the body cannot effectively use the insulin it produces. This workshop, a registered dietitian will guide you on how to prevent and manage diabetes. Click here for Registration 請按此處登記
Keep Loved Ones Connected with Technology (Cantonese)
The objective of this presentation is to introduce common technologies available in the market that are useful to keep family members connected. In particular, the KDtag together with the KDTagHelper app shows elderlies how to communicate with caregivers via GPS locator, SMS text, and phone call without subscription expenses. Click here for Registration 請按此處登記
Ontario’s Credits, Benefits and Supports for Lower-Income Seniors (English)
Ontario and federal personal income tax credits and benefits How to apply? Online tools designed to help you find information about credits, benefits and programs; Helpful tips to avoid fraud or scams. Click here for Registration
Understanding and Supporting a Person with Dementia at Home (2) (Mandarin)
Gaining a better understanding of what dementia and what it is like to live with dementia can help you support someone with the condition at home. Click here for Registration 請按此處登記
When do I need ‘Respite Care Services’? (CCN Education Series)–Cantonese
Click here for registration
Caregiving Tips: Milk and Alternatives (Mandarin)
How to choose milk and alternatives for seniors to have a balanced diet? Click here for Registration 請按此處登記
Ontario’s Advanced Care Planning (Cantonese)
In this seminar, you will know more about Ontario's "Advance Care Planning", the role of Substitute Decision Maker(s) and how to start talking to you loved one about "Advance Care Planning" Click here for Registration 請按此處登記
Age Well at Home (Cantonese )
The service plan mainly includes three major categories: System Navigation, Falls Prevention Clinic and Home maintenance. Click here for Registration 請按此處登記