護老同樂聚一聚 (現場講座) Caregiver Gathering: Fun and Game Day (In-person workshop)

Time/時間: 10:00am—11:30am (星期四Thurs.) Language/語言: Mandarin普通話/ 國語 Speaker/講員: Ms. Fiona Lam 林凱欣女士 (Yee Hong Centre Staff 頤康中心職員) Address/ 地址: 頤康護老教育及資源中心 360 Highway 7 E., Unit 17, Richmond Hill 現場講座請致電416-412-4571 內線2363 For in-person, please call 416-412-4571 ext 2363

護老者專題: 認識及預防虐老 Understanding Older Adult Abuse: For Caregivers (English 英文 Translation/翻譯: Cantonese廣東話)

Abuse can happen to anyone and can happen in many places, including the older person's home, a family member's house, an assisted living facility, or a nursing home. Please join us to learn about elder abuse, including physical, emotional, and financial abuse. Identify signs of abuse and neglect. Click here for Registration 请按此处登记

駕駛者之道路安全 Road Safety for Drivers (English)

In this session, you will learn from the OPP (Ontario Provincial Police) officers about types of troubles on road and what to do when you (your driver) face those troubles. You will also learn: senior’s driver’s license (age 80+) and how your license can be suspended, what to do if you suspect someone being incompetent […]

護老者保健養生運動 For Caregivers: Health Exercise (Cantonese)

"Move if you want to live"-Use proper limb stretching and breathing adjustment to strengthen body functions, promote blood circulation, improve brain cell metabolism, benefit the nervous system and maintain a stable mood. Participants must wear comfortable clothing and exercise shoes. Click here for Registration 請按此處登記

護老者喘息站: 繪出生活色彩 – 和諧粉彩 (實體課程) Caregiver respite station: Me Time – Pastel Nagomi Art (In-person workshop) (Cantonese)

Pastel Nagomi Art originated in Japan. Using fingers to draw, through this simple and relaxed painting method, our caregivers can get a sense of relaxation, joy from it, and relieve stress and emotions through this art. Fee/ 費用: $8 (包材料費) Address/ 地址: 頤康護老教育及資源中心 360 Highway 7 E., Unit 17, Richmond Hill 和諧粉彩源自日本。用手指代筆,藉著這簡單、輕鬆的作畫方法,讓我們的關顧者可以從中獲得 一個放鬆、愉悅的感覺,透過這門藝術紓解壓力與情緒。 Click here […]

護老專題: 健康慳錢攻略 For Caregivers: Healthy Eating on a Budget (Cantonese)

Do you have to sacrifice the health of yourself and your family if you want to save money? Can you cook delicious and nutritious dishes with cheap ingredients? The speaker will share with you how to choose healthy and nutritious ingredients on a budget! Click NYCBC to Register 請按社群服務NYCBC 登記 

給護老者: 聽力健康 (現場講座) For Caregivers: Hearing Health (In-person workshop) (Mandarin)

Hearing loss in older adults are common and can increase with age. Come to this workshops to learn about hearing health for seniors and learn how to recognize the common signs of hearing loss, prevention and hearing aid facts. Address/ 地址: 頤康護老教育及資源中心 360 Highway 7 E., Unit 17, Richmond Hill 現場講座請致電416-412-4571 內線2363 For in-person, please […]

遺囑和委託書 Wills and POA (Mandarin)

This workshop will help you to understand: The purpose of Will and POA; What is in Will and POA; the importance of Will and POA and Why we need a Will and POA; Issues and cautions regarding Will and POA. Click here for Registration 請按此處登記

給護老者: 聽力健康 For Caregivers: Hearing Health (Cantonese)

Hearing loss in older adults are common and can increase with age. Come to this workshops to learn about hearing health for seniors and learn how to recognize the common signs of hearing loss, prevention and hearing aid facts. Click here for Registration 請按此處登記

長者精神健康系列:認識長者抑鬱症 Seniors’ Mental Health: Depression in Seniors (Cantonese)

Elderly Mental Health Series: Understanding Depression in the Elderly Is depression the same as being unhappy? What are the symptoms of depression in the elderly? How is the treatment? In this workshop, the speaker will share with you more about symptoms of depression, treatment and how to find community resources to help the patients. Click […]

長者及護老者的心臟健康 Heart Health for Seniors and Caregivers (English)

In this session, we will discuss topics about heart health for seniors and caregivers which includes: What is heart health – risk factors Prevention – diet (cholesterol) and exercise What is blood pressure – how to measure it and why, guidelines and machines Complications of high blood pressure – heart attack, stroke Click JSS to […]