Caregiving and DASH Diet (Mandarin)
DASH diet has been identified to help managing chronic health conditions. This session will focus on how to organize the DASH diet and how can we adapt it to our daily life. Click here for Registration
Caregivers’ Tips: Engagement in Community- Based Activities After Stroke -English
The webinar will cover (1) stroke facts, (2) importance of engaging in community-based activities after stroke, and (3) arts-based research activities, such as photovoice Click here for Registration
Knee and Hip Osteoarthritis-Cantonese
This workshop our speakers will provide understanding of knee and hip Osteoarthritis and also recommendation on exercises that can help with managing the symptoms. Click here for Registration
Assistive Devices for Safety–English
What you will learn in this workshop: – Major assistive devices (e.g. walker, wheelchair, bed safety, bathroom safety) – When is a good timing for people to start considering getting a device, how these devices can help you and your caregiver – How to use these devices safely and comfortably, how to maintain them – […]
For Caregivers: First Aid Kit at Home–Cantonese
This workshop we will talk about how we respond effectively to common injuries and emergencies. Click NYCBC to Register
Get Moving… Health Exercise–Cantonese
"Move if you want to live"-Use proper limb stretching and breathing adjustment to strengthen body functions, promote blood circulation, improve brain cell metabolism, benefit the nervous system and maintain a stable mood. Participants must wear comfortable clothing and exercise shoes. Click here for Registration
Minds in Motion (3)–Mandarin
Meet new friends while enhancing physical health and cognitive stimulation through exercise and fun games Click here for Registration 請按此處登記
Caregiving Tips: Stand Strong and Keep Moving with Arthritis in Your Spine–English
This presentation provides education on arthritis in the spine, why we have pain, strategies to manage pain, posture, and the key message that exercise is the key to long term success for people with arthritis of the neck and back. Click here for Registration
Expressive Pottery – A Ceramic Experience–Cantonese /Mandarin
4 sessions of 9-hour pottery workshops allow caregivers to relax, concentrate and enjoy the fun of the making process. Relieve stress and be happy. Participants do not need experience. Click here for Registration
For Caregivers: Type 2 Diabetes Management and Nutrition—Mandarin
Click here for Registration
Elderly Health: A Traditional Chinese Medicine Perspective–Cantonese
This workshop will talk about normal aging process, how we maintain our overall health well-beings, as well as recommendation from Traditional Chinese medicine perspective Click here for Registration
護老者保健養生運動 For Caregivers: Health Exercise (Cantonese)
"Move if you want to live"-Use proper limb stretching and breathing adjustment to strengthen body functions, promote blood circulation, improve brain cell metabolism, benefit the nervous system and maintain a stable mood. Participants must wear comfortable clothing and exercise shoes. Click here for registration
護老鬆一鬆: 線上森林浴 Caregiver Wellness: Online Forest Therapy (Cantonese)
Come join us for a relaxing online forest bathing session! Click here for registration
退休理財知多少? Navigating Retirement Finances (English)
Click JSS to Register請按JSS登記
護老專題: 尋找你的記憶力 For Caregivers: All About Memory (Cantonese)
Click NYCBC to Register 請按社群服務NYCBC登記
尋找網上社區資源知多少? Navigating Community Resources for Caregivers (Cantonese)
This workshop will guide you to look for community resources online that suits your need Click here for Registration 請按此處登記
給護老者: 遺囑與授權書 For Caregivers: Wills and Power of Attorney (Cantonese)
This workshop will provide information about wills and power of attorney. Click here for registration
給護老者: 對抗季節性過敏 For Caregivers: Seasonal Allergies (Cantonese)
Sneezing non-stop? Runny nose and itchy eyes? Annoying seasonal allergies, allergies that occur during a specific time of the year, how can they be alleviated? From the perspective of a pharmacist, we will provide you with relief methods. Click here for registration
照護者的情感 Emotional Side of Caregiving (Manadarin)
Click here for registration
護老課程: 成人心肺復甦法 Education for Caregiver: Heartsaver —CPR/ AED (Adult) -(Cantonese)
Date/ 日期: 2023年5月29日 (星期一 Mon.) Time/時間: 10:00am—12:30pm Language/語言: Cantonese廣東話 Speaker/講員: 課程由註冊急救導師教授 / Held by Certified CPR instructor Fee/ 費用: $35/ per person每人 Address/ 地址: 頤康護老教育及資源中心360 Highway 7 E., Unit 17, Richmond Hill Click here for Registration 請按此處登記 查詢或請致電:416-412-4571 ext 內線2363
「華人關顧者網絡」講座系列之 心理健康101 CCN Education Series : Mental Health 101 (Cantonese)
Click here for registration
護老錦囊: 年長後如何體重管理? Caregiving Tips: How to Manage Weight with Ageing? (Cantonese)
In this workshop, we will discuss together about weight concerns with ageing and how to maintain a healthy weight. Click here for registration
給護老者:護理院的選擇 (現場講座) For Caregivers: Choosing a Long Term Care (In-person workshop)
現場講座請致電416-412-4571 內線2363 For in-person, please call 416-412-4571 ext 2363
護老專題: 了解你的腎臟 For Caregivers: Understanding Your Kidney (Cantonese廣東話)
The kidney is said to be a silent organ, it is not easy for us to identify kidney-related diseases. Through this lecture, let us get to know our important organ together! Click NYCBC to Register 請按社群服務NYCBC登記
護老者保健養生運動 For Caregivers: Health Exercise (Cantonese廣東話)
"Move if you want to live"-Use proper limb stretching and breathing adjustment to strengthen body functions, promote blood circulation, improve brain cell metabolism, benefit the nervous system and maintain a stable mood. Participants must wear comfortable clothing and exercise shoes. Click here for registration
Caregiver Burden and Cardiovascular Disease: Making Visible the Health of Women who are Unpaid Caregivers in Canada (English)
Almost one-third of Canadians provide unpaid care to someone who is aging or has a long term health condition. Despite benefits, unpaid caregiving can have negative effects on one’s ability to exercise or eat a healthy diet. This presentation will discuss risks of unpaid caregiving to high blood pressure and heart disease. Click here for […]
預防虐老面面觀 Elder Abuse Awareness and Prevention: A Closer Look (
Click JSS to Register請按JSS登記
護老生活小確幸: 50+的美容之道 Self Care for Caregivers: Give Your Skin a Little Love (Cantonese廣東話)
Taking care of our skin is not just about looking good, but also about feeling good. This workshop, our speaker will talk about how to take care of our skin and make the skin feels good. Click here for Registration 請按此處登記
給護老者: 骨質疏鬆的迷思 For Caregivers: Osteoporosis Myths (Cantonese廣東話)
Do you know about osteoporosis? The outdated information is an obstacle to the pursuit of health. Which information is correct and which is debatable, the speaker will discuss with you. Click here for Registration 請按此處登記
長者家居及高層大廈防火安全講座 Seniors’ Fire Safety and Safety for Residential High-Rise Building (English 英文)
As we grow older, our bodies change. It can make it more difficult to react to a fire. In this workshop, public eduation staff from Richmond Hill Fire Department will provide us useful tips for seniors' fire safety. Click here for Registration 請按此處登記