Silver Ball

Silver Ball
November 11, 2023
Chateau Le Jardin (East Wing)
8440 York Regional Rd 27, Woodbridge, ON L4H 0A7
Parkinson’s disease is one of the most baffling and complex of all neurological disorders. The cause is unknown and there is no cure.
In 2017, Yee Hong Centre partnered with Dance DNA to develop the “I Can Dance” fitness program for individuals with Parkinson’s disease or other Parkinson-like illness, so that they can experience the joy and benefits of dancing.
This pilot project demonstrated encouraging results, showing a positive impact on improving patients’ motor movements and balance. It also provided a social support network, helping to reduce depression and build self-esteem.
“The most effective achievement of the Dance Program is to provide physical exercise, social communication, and by learning dancing, dancers feel happy… I surely have gained, in the last few months, the benefits of dancing,” said a client.
This successful dance project has become an ongoing program since 2017. Silver Ball has been an annual fundraiser to showcase the “I Can Dance” program.