Ways To Give

Yee Hong’s array of care services benefits over 15,000 seniors in the Greater Toronto area, requiring the Yee Hong Community Wellness Foundation to raise $2.5 million every year, over and above government funding. A non-profit organization, Yee Hong relies on the generosity of corporations and individuals. There are different ways you can donate to this worthy cause.
Online Donation
Make a secure online donation through the Yee Hong website simply by clicking on the button below.
A long-term gift, big or small, is very important to Yee Hong and to our seniors.
Donate by…
You can also make a donation to Yee Hong through offline methods. To start, please download the appropriate donation form:
- General Donation Form
- Celebratory Gift Donation Form – to commemorate a special occasion
- In Memoriam Gift Form – to remember a loved one
Next, complete the form, either on your computer or by printing and filling it out.
Finally, send the form back to Yee Hong Foundation, along with payment information, by one of the following methods:
Please email the completed form (either the completed PDF file or a scan of a completed print-out) to foundation@yeehong.com.
Please return the completed form (with a cheque payable if applicable) to the Yee Hong Community Wellness Foundation. Our mailing address is:
Yee Hong Community Wellness Foundation
60 Scottfield Drive
Scarborough, ON M1S 5T7
Please send the completed form by fax to 416-321-0778.
If you prefer to pay through electronic fund transfer, please fax us the completed donation form with a copy of your VOID cheque and payment will be debited from your bank account.
By Phone
Please call 416-321-0777 during regular office hours to make a donation by credit card.
In Person
Please visit the Foundation office if you would like to make a donation in person:
60 Scottfield Drive
Scarborough, ON M1S 5T7
(Nearest intersection: Middlefield and Finch)
Other Special Ways to Support Yee Hong
- Donor Recognition Program
- Blooms of Life
- Unconditional Love Quilt Campaign
- Yee Hong Endowment Fund
- Corporate Sponsorship
For inquiries or if you do not wish to receive communication materials from the Foundation, please call us at 416-321-0777 or email foundation@yeehong.com.
Information collected is used strictly for statistical and communication purposes with utmost confidentiality, and will not be sold, traded or shared. For more information, please view our privacy policy.
Charitable Registration No. 13143 3666 RR0001