In Memory Of

Hung Tang

Tang was a loving wife, mother, and grandmother. She cared deeply for all who were close to her. Here are some of her grandchildren’s fondest memories of their time with her, with whom she shared all her love and affection:

“I was eight years old when I first met my grandmama. Every summer spent in Canada with her was a joyful adventure, as she spoiled my sisters and I rotten with kindness and love. What I remember about her most are her radiant smile, her enormous heart and her boundless generosity. In my first year of college, when my scholarship fell short of covering my tuition, she stepped in without hesitation, paying the remaining balance. She told me to focus on my studies, reassuring me that I shouldn’t worry about money. Her unwavering support made me believe that I could achieve anything and become anyone I wanted to be.”
— Helen

“Growing up in the States, some of my best childhood memories were the summers we spent in Canada. I remember crying a lot during those visits because Grandma always gave me all the attention I wanted. To me, she was so full of energy — she could outwalk any of us and was as spry as a teenager. When I picture her today, I always see her big, warm smile.”
— Maggie

“My favorite childhood memories were my summers in Canada. As far back as I can remember, I was treated as part of the family by everyone. Grandma always made me feel welcomed with her glowing smile. Gathering with my family in Canada became a big part of my life. One of the most important parts of my trips was seeing and admiring how happy, healthy, and intelligent grandma was, even into her later years.”
— Charis

“When I moved here for high school with no one else to turn to, my grandma stepped in to care for me with all the love and dedication that defined her. Though she had been a vegetarian for most of her life, she learned how to cook salmon just for me and packed it in my lunch every day (even if the taste wasn’t quite right)!”
— Vivian

“Some of my fondest childhood memories are from the times I spent with Grandma when she visited us in France and helped take care of me. I recall the long walks we would take together to the neighbourhood park; she would diligently look after my younger, mischievous self, full of energy, as I played by the lake and ran frantically all over the place. Whenever I think of Grandma, I am eternally grateful for the generosity and selflessness she showed and instilled in me.”
— Edwin

“When I was a kid, I loved helping out in my parents’ kitchen as their (very clumsy) assistant chef. I only ever had one recipe — my world famous omelette, a dish I’d make for grandma when she came to visit. Whether I added too many mushrooms, overdid it with the soy sauce, or it fell apart in the pan, Grandma was always happy to eat whatever I made for her.”
— Keenan

“Grandma, you will be dearly missed by each and every one of us. We love you — your laugh, your smile, your cooking, your dedication to taking care of us, and all the time we spent together. We will carry your love and warmth in our hearts forever.”
— Helen, Maggie, Charis, Vivian, Edwin, & Keenan

We would like to thank the Yee Hong Centre and its staff for their hard work and dedication to taking care of our grandmother. Throughout grandma’s stay here, it is thanks to them that our time with her was as enjoyable and memorable as it has always been.

陳雲女士是一位慈愛的妻子、母親和祖母。 她深深關心所有與她親近的人。 以下是她的孫子孫女們對與她共度時光的一些美好回憶,她將所有的愛與關懷都傾注在他們身上:

「我第一次見到婆婆是在我八歲的時候。 每個夏天和她一起在加拿大度過的都是快樂的時光,因為她用善良和愛把我和我的妹妹們寵壞了。 我最記得婆婆是她那燦爛的笑容、寬廣的心胸和無盡的慷慨。 在我大學的第一年,當我的獎學金不足以支付學費時,她毫不猶豫地介入,支付了剩餘的餘額。 婆婆告訴我專心學習,安慰我不必擔心錢的問題。 她堅定不移的支持讓我相信我可以實現任何目標,成為任何我想成為的人。」Helen

「在美國長大,我童年最美好的回憶之一就是我們在加拿大度過的每個夏天。 我記得在那些拜訪期間我哭了很多,因為婆婆總是給我所有想要的關注。 在我看來,她十分充滿活力。她走路的速度比我們任何一個人都快,而且像個青少年一樣靈活。 當我想起她時,我總是能看到她那燦爛而溫暖的微笑。 那些回憶將永遠伴隨我,我將把她的愛和溫暖永遠銘刻在心中。」Maggie

「我最喜歡的童年回憶是我每個在加拿大的夏天。 據我所記得,從很久以前開始,大家就把我當成家裡的一份子。 婆婆總是用她燦爛的笑容讓我感到受歡迎。 現在和加拿大的家人聚會,是我生活中很重要的一部分。 每次我旅行往加拿大,最重要的部分之一就是探望到婆婆。即使到了她晚年,婆婆仍然是多麼的快樂、健康和活潑。」Charis

「當我為了上高中搬到這裡,身邊沒有其他人可以依靠時,我的嫲嫲站出來,用她那無私的愛和奉獻來照顧我。 儘管她大半輩子都是素食主義者,她還是為了我學會了怎麼做三文魚,並每天把它裝進我的午餐盒裡 ( 即使味道不太對!) 她的無私和不辭辛勞為我的付出,永遠將會是我回憶的一部分。」Vivian

「我最美好的童年回憶之一,是婆婆來法國探望我們並照顧我的時候。 我記得我們一起走到附近公園漫長散步;她會認真照顧我那個頑皮、充滿活力的我,我在湖邊玩耍,滿處亂跑。 每當我想到婆婆,我都無比感激她給我無私的奉獻。」Edwin

「當我還是個小孩時,我喜歡在父母的廚房幫忙,充當他們的(非常笨手笨腳的)助理廚師。 我只有一個食譜…我那世界聞名的煎芙蓉蛋! 這亦是我每次嫲嫲來訪時都會為她做的菜。 無論我加了太多蘑菇,醬油了放多,還是在鍋裡弄散了,嫲嫲總是樂意地吃我做的餸菜。」Keenan

「親愛的嫲嫲/婆婆,我們每一個人都會非常想念您。」我們深愛你,你的笑聲,你的微笑,你的廚藝,對我們的關心和照顧,以及我們一起度過的所有快樂時光。 我們會永遠把你的愛和溫暖銘刻在心中。」Helen, Maggie, Charis, Vivian, Edwin, Keenan

最後,我們想感謝頤康中心及其全體員工的辛勤和無微不至的照顧。 在嫲嫲/婆婆逗留期間,正是因為他們,我們和嫲嫲/婆婆在一起的時光才如往常一樣愉快和難忘。

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