In Memory Of

Lin Sun Kwan

Lin was born on December 16, 1932, in Zhongshan China. She married Kai Sheung Kwan in 1950 and journeyed to Hong Kong to start their new family. Lin was intelligent, capable, and sharp-witted. Together, they overcame the hardships and established a retail business. After their elder children married and emigrated to Canada, Lin and Kai Sheung retired and moved to Canada in 1980. Lin and Kai Sheung have five children, ten grandchildren, and six great-grandchildren.

Lin was relatively soft-spoken and content with a simple lifestyle. Her husband Kai Sheung adored her deeply. Their daily routines revolved around dim sum at tea house restaurants and social gatherings at the local senior association. Lin was not overly talkative but would stay firm with her beliefs and opinions. At the age of 90, she had a remarkable memory and could effortlessly recite the lyrics of her favourite songs, which amazed her family and earned their admiration. While her husband loves good food and fine wines, Lin prefers simple meals. Lin’s grandchildren would surprise her with a delightfully indulgent treat of fried chicken, french fries, and onion rings. Lin placed great importance on family. Spending time with the children, and grandchildren, listening to all the conversations, or sharing stories gave Lin great joy. Occasionally, Lin’s sharp wit and bursts of humour often brought laughter to everyone around her. Lin’s loving and nurturing spirit warmed her family and earned her heartfelt admiration.

Lin centered her life around her husband and children. While she may not have many grand accomplishments, her every word and action left an indelible mark in her children’s hearts. She was a loving wife and devoted mother. In her later years, Lin spent more time at home under the care of her family – occasionally participating in activities at Yee Hong Markham Adult Day Program where she had many enjoyable activities and was well taken care of by their friendly staff. On September 19, 2024, Lin passed away peacefully, at the age of 92, surrounded by her children and grandchildren.

廣東中山沙边村人, 一個傳統的中國婦女, 知足安貧. 1950與相戀的關啓湘結婚, 随後移居香港, 一邊組織新家庭, 一邊協助丈夫打理零售生意, 戰後香港生活頗為艱難, 但蓮知足常樂, 非常能幹,頭腦精明和思想快捷,在外協助丈夫, 在家相夫教子, 生活漸安定豐泰. 隨着兒女们各自成家,移居加拿大,她也於1980跟隨退休丈夫移居加國共享天倫. 蓮共有五子女, 十個孫兒和六個曾孫.

蓮,較為內向和低調,對生活的要求簡單, 亦非常獨立。丈夫愛護有加, 日常生活是夫婦倆外出茗茶閱報, 閒時娛樂打麻將,主理家庭定期聚會, 樂也融融。她沒有喋喋不休的個性,但偶然也會倔強地悍衛自已的立場. 有著超強的記憶力,90多歲高齡仍能把昔日流行歌曲朗朗背唱,令家人五體投地,羨慕佩服. 雖然丈夫熱愛佳餚美酒, 但蓮只喜愛簡單食物, 尤其魚生, 炸雞,洋葱圈 和香濃咖啡, 兒孫们經常投她所愛盡力討她開心。蓮最開心的時刻,莫過於和孫子女們圍坐在一起,傾聽他們的對話,分享彼此的生活點滴, 她偶然突發的幽默,令人捧腹大笑。她的愛心和包容總是讓家人感受到無比的溫馨, 和藹可親甚得子孫们的愛戴。

蓮, 一個典型家庭主婦, 以丈夫和子女為生活中心, 沒有豐功偉績, 但她的一言一行深深烙印在子女心中, 是一個愛夫愛家庭的至愛母親. 晚年, 蓮多留在家裡得到家人的呵護, 並常到萬錦市頤康老人護理中心參與活動, 度過很多歡樂時光. 於2024 年9月19 日, 在子女,兒孫陪伴下, 安詳走完人生的最後的一程.

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