Past COVID-19 Updates
December 29, 2021 – General visiting and resident day absences suspended
On December 28 the government announced that general visiting and day absences for residents will be suspended in Ontario long-term care homes. This change applies to all four Yee Hong Centres and will take effect at midnight tonight.
The government’s order permits essential caregivers to visit. An essential caregiver provides direct care to meet the essential needs of a particular resident. Essential caregivers must be at least 16 years of age and must be designated by the resident or his/her substitute decision-maker. Direct care includes providing support/assistance to a resident that includes providing direct physical support (for example, eating, bathing and dressing) and/or providing social and emotional support. A maximum of two essential caregivers may be designated for each resident.
Essential Caregiver Designation Form
Yee Hong is working directly with residents, families and volunteers affected by these changes. The government has determined these temporary enhanced measures are necessary during the current Omicron wave of the pandemic to keep everyone safe in our Centres.
December 22, 2021 – Positive test for COVID-19
A resident of our Markham Centre has tested positive for COVID-19. The resident has no symptoms and has been isolated from other residents. Staff and the families of residents on the same floor will be kept abreast of developments as new information becomes available.
Enhanced hygiene, testing and tracing, additional PPE for workers and cohorting of our care teams to prevent contamination across floors is in place to contain the virus, and we are working closely with our partners at York Region Public Health. Yee Hong requires everyone working or visiting in our Centres to be vaccinated, and the residents with direct exposure to this positive case are themselves fully vaccinated. No one on the affected floor is showing signs or symptoms of infection.
December 19, 2021 – Celebrating Safely During the 2021 Holiday Season
We received new instructions from the Ministry that will affect visiting, vaccination and COVID-19 screening practices in all Yee Hong Centres. The government has ordered prompt action due to the unprecedented spread of the Omicron variant in Ontario.
December 3, 2021 – Positive test for COVID-19
A student assigned to our Mississauga Centre has tested positive for COVID-19. The student is self-isolating at home.
Peel Public Health instructed us to closely monitor the affected unit and all the preventative measures have been implemented. Yee Hong policy requires all students, staff and volunteers to be fully vaccinated, and the residents with direct exposure to this positive case are themselves fully vaccinated. No one on the affected unit is showing signs or symptoms of infection.
October 13, 2021 – Free online course from McMaster University
McMaster University offers a free online learning course about infection prevention and control. This is important safety information during the global pandemic, and it is suitable for caregivers with limited knowledge. Experienced caregivers looking to brush up on their skills will also find the course content valuable.
September 20, 2021 – Mandatory vaccination policy for Yee Hong workplaces
At Yee Hong, the safety of our residents, clients, staff and workers continues to be the highest priority. Ever since vaccines have been made available, and particularly over the past few weeks, we have diligently encouraged, educated, and supported each and every member of our Yee Hong team to get the vaccine.
Yee Hong has a very high vaccination rate however, a small percentage of individuals at Yee Hong remain unvaccinated. After extensive communication with staff, physicians, unions, Resident and Family Councils and conversations with seniors sector partners, we have decided to adopt a Mandatory Vaccination Policy.
By October 30th 2021, employees without a valid medical exemption or approved human rights accommodation request, must be fully vaccinated and submit proof to work at Yee Hong. The same requirement will apply to student learners and volunteers who work in one of our Centres. Employees declining to be vaccinated without an approved exemption will be placed on unpaid leave. A volunteer or student who declines without an approved exemption will cease their in-person assignment. In the coming weeks, we will continue to support the remaining members of Yee Hong with this process.
We have carefully considered the evolving pandemic, best practice public health measures and impact on everyone before making this decision. Effective vaccines are changing the course of the global pandemic and we believe that Yee Hong’s mandatory vaccination is a reasonable and necessary precaution to protect the health and safety of everyone.
Thank you for your cooperation and please continue to stay safe.
August 12, 2021 – Positive test for COVID-19
A newly admitted resident in our Scarborough Finch long-term care centre tested positive for COVID-19. Toronto Public Health assessed the risk to be low and chose not to declare an outbreak. General visiting will be disrupted for some residents and the affected residents and families have been notified.
Almost all residents and staff on the affected floor and at the Finch centre are fully vaccinated. We have adopted comprehensive infection control measures out of an abundance of caution and in cooperation with our partners at Toronto Public Health. As concluded in consultation with Toronto Public Health, this positive test is not entirely a surprise and is not expected to cause infection in others.
July 26, 2021 – COVID testing for fully vaccinated people in LTC
New instructions from the Ministry will permit fully vaccinated visitors, essential caregivers and volunteers to enter Yee Hong Centres without a COVID test. Go to the Ministry’s vaccine website at Enter your information and print your vaccination receipts.
Starting Tuesday, July 27, you may bring proof of vaccination to the COVID screening desk. After you complete the screening questionnaire and temperature check, you will proceed past the testing station to enter the building. Anyone without proof of vaccination will be required to complete a rapid test before entering a Yee Hong Centre. For all indoor visits, a partially immunized or unimmunized visitor (2 years or older) must undergo rapid COVID-19 testing on arrival, which is valid for 72 hours.
If you have been waiting to book a first or second COVID shot, now is the time. Call Yee Hong’s Vaccine Support Hotline at 416-412-4570 to answer your questions, for help with vaccine registration, or for more information about COVID vaccines in Canada.
July 15, 2021 – Access and testing at Yee Hong Centres
This week Yee Hong received new instructions from the Ministry about visiting, screening, testing, absences and more. These are exciting changes that will relax the COVID restrictions at our Centres in the weeks to come.
Yee Hong is reviewing Ontario’s new guidelines. Drop-in visits are already permitted indoors with our residents, and visits outdoors or by Video Chat can be booked on our website. Other measures will be introduced in phases at all Yee Hong Centres. Watch for updates from Yee Hong as we implement the new rules in July.
July 12, 2021 – Visiting at Yee Hong Centres
The government has eased restrictions in LTC that affect Yee Hong’s Visitor Policy. Several rules have changed:
- Residents can have outdoor visits of up to 10 people at a time. Online registration is still required at least one week prior to an outdoor visit.
- Indoor visits with a resident are available 7 days a week without an appointment. Arrive at the front entrance of a Yee Hong Centre between 8:00 am and 6:00 pm to complete our screening process and a rapid test for COVID antigens.
- Two general visitors and two designated caregivers may visit together at any one time with a resident indoors.
- A hairdresser or other personal care provider can serve a Yee Hong resident by entering the building as a general visitor.
- An unlimited number of caregivers may be designated for each resident. The process to designate someone a resident’s caregiver has not changed.
The government makes frequent changes to pandemic limits and access to LTC buildings. We adjust our practices to comply in each of our Centres as quickly as we are able. Follow the link to review our visitor information package.
Vaccination is our best defence against the virus’ worst effects. We encourage everyone entering a Yee Hong Centre to get vaccinated for their own protection and ours.
June 21, 2021 – UPDATED: Scheduled visiting at Yee Hong Centres
As the Ontario government begins a gradual reopening after the pandemic’s third wave, here’s how general visiting will work at Yee Hong Centres:
- Book an appointment on the website
- When it’s time for your scheduled visit, go to the screening station. The screener will confirm you don’t have any COVID-19 symptoms, exposure, or any travel history in the last 14 days.
- Bring your own mask or face covering to wear during your outdoor visit. Given the current variants of concern, we recommend a good quality mask.
- Indoor visitors will be provided an appropriate surgical mask for their visit.
- Keep a safe distance. Residents and their loved ones won’t share food or exchange packages during an outdoor visit.
- Follow best infection prevention and control practices such as proper hand hygiene.
Outdoor visits began several weeks ago for a maximum of two guests at one time. Follow the link to review our visitor information package. A maximum of one guest may visit in the resident’s room if your loved one has a mobility limitation or health condition limiting an outdoor visit. If you’ve been waiting to sit with a loved one at Yee Hong, book your visit online. Please come back to our Centres and reconnect.
May 21, 2021 – Essential caregivers in LTC are eligible for second doses of vaccine sooner
The Ontario government has announced it will accelerate the second dose of COVID vaccine for people who must enter long-term care homes. Full details are available in the MOH Memo.
If you are a designated essential caregiver for a Yee Hong resident, and unable to schedule a vaccination appointment (1st or 2nd dose), please contact your long-term care home to learn more about scheduling those appointments.
May 11, 2021 – Flowers to LTC Residents for Mother’s Day
On Mother’s Day last Sunday, May 9, each female resident at Yee Hong Mississauga received an individually wrapped carnation and a personalized card from the local MPP Office with an inspiring, handwritten message. Staff in the Office of Deepak Anand MPP Mississauga-Malton expressed their wish to bring joy and cheer to the residents at Yee Hong Mississauga.

May 5, 2021 – Two Mississauga Centre employees test positive for COVID-19
An employee of the Mississauga Centre tested positive for COVID-19 during recent surveillance testing. Confirmation of the employee’s COVID status was received Tuesday, May 4. Yee Hong enhanced the infection control measures at the Mississauga Centre out of an abundance of caution.
Another employee who does not have contact with our residents also notified us of a positive COVID test administered outside Yee Hong, for a total of two positive tests among Mississauga Centre staff. After consulting with Peel Public Health, both employees are quarantined at home and no additional precautions are required.
Apr 19, 2021 – Positive test during McNicoll Centre employee surveillance screen for COVID-19
An employee of the McNicoll Centre tested positive for COVID-19 during regular surveillance testing on April 16th, 2021. This employee had no contact with our residents and is now quarantined at home. Enhanced infection control measures are in place as directed by Toronto Public Health.
Apr 5, 2021 – Positive test during Mississauga Centre employee surveillance screen for COVID-19
An employee of the Mississauga Centre tested positive for COVID-19 during regular surveillance testing. The employee has had minimal contact with our residents and is now quarantined at their home. Enhanced infection control measures are in place as directed by Peel Public Health.
Mar 25, 2021 – Grocery Delivery Service
Healthy, affordable food can be hard to find. For people in need Yee Hong offers a volunteer-based grocery delivery service. We’re supporting seniors and individuals living with a disability or low income during the pandemic. Details are available here. Please call Agnes Cheung at (416) 412-4571 ext. 2603, or email to register and place orders.
Every week, clients have the option of ordering one or more of the preset grocery packages and have them delivered to their homes by one of our volunteers on Friday afternoon. Clients only need to pay for the value of the package. No taxes or other fees will be added for delivery.
Mar 11, 2021 – Yee Hong COVID-19 Vaccine Support Hotline
Yee Hong encourages everyone to be vaccinated against COVID-19 as soon as you become eligible. We all have a role to play: get inoculated to protect yourself, our elders and other loved ones.
Yee Hong’s Community and Professional Services is ready to take your questions and help you to register once you become eligible for COVID vaccination. Phone us at the CPS Vaccine Support Hotline 416-412-4570 to get more information. Social workers are available Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 5:00 if you or a loved one need help to schedule a vaccine appointment in Toronto, Peel or York Regions.
Mar 2, 2021 – New government rules at Yee Hong front entrances
A new screening process is being introduced at Yee Hong Centre entrances. Ontario is making changes to access and testing in long-term care homes.
Security guards are now responsible for the screening process at our front entrances and everyone entering a Yee Hong Centre will give a sample for rapid antigen testing. The government’s new directive applies to all long-term care homes in Ontario.
Everyone entering a Yee Hong Centre is screened for COVID-19 symptoms, recent travel and evidence of fever. A uniformed guard has been added to the process to create third-party oversight of screening questions and temperature checks.
Rapid antigen test kits for COVID-19 surveillance are also being adopted at long-term care entrances. Everyone will be tested when they enter a Yee Hong Centre, and wait briefly in our lobby for their test result. Each week you will be required to test a maximum of three times for essential visitors, Yee Hong staff, students, physicians and contractors. Rapid test kits produce a result within 15 minutes, and most people find it much less invasive to collect a sample than for deep nasopharyngeal swab testing we used previously in Ontario.
The new measures begin in phases at all Yee Hong Centres and will be fully implemented in March.
Feb 13, 2021 – Happy Chinese New Year!
Happy Chinese New Year! Yee Hong seniors celebrate the first day of the Lunar New Year. Grade 1 and Grade 2 students from Northlea Elementary & Middle School in Leaside sent holiday greetings and colourful crafts.
Feb 12, 2021 – Mississauga Centre update
Active COVID-19 cases decreased at the Mississauga Centre. Each resident or staff member who tests positive for the virus completes a period of isolation determined by Public Health. At present, nine residents remain in our COVID isolation unit and three staff members are isolating at home. An outbreak was declared at the Mississauga Centre on January 21 after two employees tested positive. All best-practice infection prevention and control measures are in place to stop the spread of the virus.
Feb 9, 2021 – Vaccine second doses
COVID vaccination continues at all four Yee Hong Centres this week. Consenting and eligible residents received a first dose of the Moderna vaccine in January. More than 90% of residents gave permission when first doses were administered.
Yee Hong is working with its Public Health, LHIN and hospital partners to safely administer the vaccine to residents and essential caregivers in our Centres:
Markham – Monday, February 8
McNicoll – Tuesday, February 9
Scarborough-Finch – Wednesday, February 10
Mississauga – Friday, February 12
The Moderna vaccine is safe and highly effective against COVID-19. Single doses administered in January already confer some immune protection against the virus but a second dose is required to reach full immunity.
Feb 3, 2021 – Additional Mississauga Centre test results
COVID-19 cases increased at the Mississauga Centre, where an outbreak was declared on January 21. Ten residents in total are positive for the virus. Other residents who are not positive for the virus are isolated from one another in their own rooms and all group activities are suspended to prevent spread of the virus. All staff in the building are assigned to separate “cohorted” teams and specific floors during the COVID outbreak to limit cross-contamination.
Jan 21, 2021 – Positive tests during Mississauga Centre employee surveillance screen for COVID-19
Two positive COVID test results were returned Thursday, January 21 at the Mississauga Centre. Weekly surveillance testing of all staff revealed employees who are positive for the virus. Both employees are isolating at home on the instructions of Peel Public Health.
Best-practice infection control measures are already in place to contain the virus, including enhanced hygiene and separate staffing teams to prevent contamination across floors and between worker cohorts. We conduct frequent audits to verify staff members follow the strictest infection prevention steps. Staff and the families of affected residents will be kept abreast of developments as new information becomes available.
Dec 31, 2020 – Christmas Gifts
A neighbour and generous donor to the Yee Hong Mississauga Centre prepared gift bags for all our seniors, including a hand-drawn Christmas card addressed to each resident. After almost a year of pandemic restrictions, this is one family’s gesture to warm all the hearts in the Mississauga Centre.
Dec 30, 2020 – Positive test during Markham Centre employee surveillance screen for COVID-19
One positive COVID test result was returned Tuesday, December 29 at the Markham Centre. Weekly surveillance testing of all staff revealed an employee is positive for the virus. The employee is isolating at home on the instructions of York Region Public Health.
In addition to the existing best-practice infection control measures (enhanced hygiene, cohorting of staff to prevent contamination across floors and between teams) already in place to contain the virus, staff on the affected floor will wear additional PPE. Frequent audits occur to verify staff members follow the strictest infection prevention steps. Staff and the families of affected residents will be kept abreast of developments as new information becomes available.
Dec 25, 2020 – One employee of the Scarborough-McNicoll Centre has tested positive for COVID-19
COVID-19 has been detected in an employee of the Scarborough-McNicoll Centre, and Toronto Public Health has declared an outbreak on the affected floor. In addition to the existing best-practice infection control measures (enhanced hygiene, cohorting of staff to prevent contamination across floors and between teams) already in place to contain the virus, staff on the affected floor will wear additional PPE. Frequent audits occur to verify staff members follow the strictest infection prevention steps. Staff and the families of affected residents will be kept abreast of developments as new information becomes available.
Dec 16, 2020 – Positive test for COVID-19 recorded for a Finch Centre resident
On Monday, December 14 a resident of the Finch Centre was tested for COVID-19 while on a planned medical outing. A positive result was returned yesterday. An outbreak at that offsite medical setting was declared and is the likely cause of COVID exposure.
All staff at the Finch Centre have tested negative for the virus and there is no evidence of illness among residents on the affected floor. A next round of COVID testing is already under way for staff and residents to confirm the virus is not present in the Finch Centre.
The resident was already on isolation due to the medical outing, and was transferred to hospital for ongoing medical treatment unrelated to their COVID status. We wish our resident a quick recovery and a prompt return to their home at the Finch Centre. More information will be reported to the staff and families affected as it becomes available.
Dec 16, 2020 – Yee Hong Mississauga Centre Statement
A resident of the Yee Hong Mississauga Centre transferred to hospital on the weekend, where the hospital recorded a positive test for COVID-19. Yee Hong is carefully assessing what risk this positive test result might pose to other residents at Yee Hong’s Mississauga Centre. All test results returned for all other residents and staff are negative for COVID-19.
Yee Hong’s full statement is available here.
Dec 7, 2020 – One employee of the Mississauga Centre has tested positive for COVID-19
COVID-19 has been detected in an employee of the Mississauga Centre, and Peel Public Health has declared an outbreak on the affected floor. In addition to the existing best-practice infection control measures (enhanced hygiene, cohorting of staff to prevent contamination across floors and between teams) already in place to contain the virus, staff on the affected floor will wear additional PPE. Frequent audits occur to verify staff members follow the strictest infection prevention steps.
The risk of spread to others at the Centre appears low. The employee last worked with Yee Hong residents on November 26, and had no symptoms of illness at that time. Weekly COVID testing on December 1 confirmed no other Mississauga Centre employees are positive for the virus, and residents show no symptoms of respiratory illness on the floor where the employee last worked. Employee testing resumes tomorrow, December 8, for everyone who works in the building.
Staff and the families of affected residents will be kept abreast of developments as new information becomes available.
Nov 21, 2020 – Positive test during Finch Centre employee surveillance screen for COVID-19
One positive COVID test result was returned Saturday, November 21 at the Scarborough Finch Centre. Weekly surveillance testing of all staff revealed a student nurse is positive for the virus; the student nurse and a close contact are isolating at home on the instructions of Toronto Public Health.
Almost all employee test results have returned negative with a small number still pending. The student nurse had no direct contact with Finch Centre residents and there are no symptomatic staff or residents.
Nov 16, 2020 – One resident of the Yee Hong Markham Centre has tested positive for COVID-19
One resident of the Yee Hong Markham Centre has tested positive for COVID-19. York Region Public Health confirmed the test results from a swab collected November 13, 2020. The resident is stable and has transferred from their floor to our isolation unit in the Markham Centre where we can safely provide care without risk of transmission to staff and other residents.
One staff member tested positive for the virus last week, and the resident who tested positive is a close contact. All residents on the affected floor completed COVID tests at the same time and the others are confirmed negative for the virus. York Region Public Health declared the outbreak on one floor only. Staff and the families of affected residents will be kept abreast of developments as new detail becomes available.
The Markham Centre team is ready and able to contain the spread of the virus. Enhanced hygiene measures are in place, cohorting of staff will prevent contamination across floors and between teams, and frequent audits occur to verify staff members follow the strictest infection prevention steps.
Nov 12, 2020 – Ontario government awards additional funding for Finch Centre construction
The Ontario government announced new funding to address long-term care waiting lists at Yee Hong’s Finch Centre. This investment recognizes the dedication, compassion and expertise of the Yee Hong team at all our homes as well as in the community as we protect our seniors during the pandemic.
Nov 11, 2020 – Flu clinic at Seneca Towers in North York
Nearly 200 seniors living at Seneca Towers in North York received the influenza vaccine with help from Yee Hong and the North York Toronto Health Partners. Flu shots are a precautionary step everyone can take to reduce the burden on our health system at a time when COVID-19 cases are surging.
Yee Hong collaborated with the North Toronto Ontario Health Team, Baycrest, Toronto Community Housing, and other community partners to complete two flu clinic days at Seneca Towers. Our health care professionals worked with tenant leaders to raise awareness about the influenza vaccine and register tenants in advance.
On October 30th and November 4th, our partners arrived and gave out 170 flu shots as part of the campaign to support high risk seniors in the community. With the constraints of physical distancing, this was a new way to run a flu shot clinic. By going door-to-door, the teams ensured that our must vulnerable were able to protect themselves as we step into the flu season.
Nov 9, 2020 – COVID-19 has been detected in an employee of the Yee Hong Markham Centre
COVID-19 has been detected in an employee of the Markham Centre. Incomplete results are available for other staff at the long-term care home and no other positive tests have been identified at this time. The employee shows no symptoms and is isolated at home to prevent spread to others. All the best-practice infection control measures are in place throughout the Markham Centre. The affected employee is being retested to confirm their status.
The positive result was identified during routine surveillance testing of all staff for the government’s preventive screening program in Ontario long-term care homes. All staff in the Markham Centre were swabbed on Thursday, November 5.
Nov 6, 2020 – Electrostatic mist sprayer
Yee Hong is keeping long-term care residents safe from COVID-19 with more frequent and enhanced cleaning practices. This includes weekly disinfection with an electrostatic sprayer.
Yee Hong invested in the Clorox Total 360 sanitizing unit in Spring 2020, shortly after the pandemic was declared. The device sprays Clorox sanitizer to the front, back and sides of surfaces, disinfecting even hard-to-reach places. Yee Hong staff members in each long-term care home are trained for safe, effective sanitizing of target areas. By completely covering a target with disinfectant spray, pathogens are eliminated from the surface and the risk of re-contamination (from the air or a nearby surface) is reduced.
Yee Hong has chosen a disinfectant solution that eliminates cold, flu, COVID-19, norovirus and MRSA from treated surfaces in just two minutes. The device allows staff to disinfect any environment in a single step, eliminating pathogens, viruses and bacteria. Rooms treated with the electrostatic sprayer are safe to enter as soon as the procedure is complete.
Nov 2, 2020 – York Region Public Health lifts COVID-19 outbreak at Markham Centre
York Region Public Health lifted the COVID-19 outbreak at our Markham Centre on November 1, 2020. We are grateful to our employees, physicians, managers and partners in the community for their help along this journey. It took all of us together to beat the virus.
Yee Hong’s full statement is available here.
Oct 20, 2020 – New dates for Yee Hong Grocery Service
Yee Hong continues to bring healthy, affordable food to people in need with a volunteer-based grocery delivery service. We’re supporting seniors and individuals living with a disability or low income during the pandemic. Details are available here. Please contact Sophie Ma at 416-412-4571 x2601 or email to register and place orders.
Every week, clients have the option of ordering one or more of the preset grocery packages and have them delivered to their homes by one of our volunteers on Friday afternoon. Clients only need to pay for the value of the package (no taxes or other fees including delivery will be added).
Service Areas
Scarborough: Highway 404 to Markham Road and Highway 7 to Sheppard Avenue
Mississauga: Erin Mills Parkway to Hurontario Street and Highway 401 to Queen Elizabeth Way
Order Dates (submitted by 11:30am)
October 20
October 27
November 3
November 10
November 17
November 24
Delivery Dates (2:00-4:00pm)
October 23
October 30
November 6
November 13
November 20
November 27
Oct 20, 2020 – No Markham residents in COVID unit
Another resident recovered and discharged from the Markham Centre’s COVID isolation unit back to their resident room. This was the last resident receiving care in our unit. One employee remains at home in isolation after a positive COVID test.
Oct 15, 2020 – Resident Outings on Hold
Yesterday the government announced changes to resident outings in Peel, Toronto and Ottawa. These are areas of higher community COVID-19 spread and the change will affect Yee Hong’s Mississauga, McNicoll and Finch Centres.
On the advice of Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer of Health, effective October 16 and until further notice, short-term and temporary absences for social or personal reasons will not be allowed at LTC homes in areas of the province where there is higher community spread of COVID-19. Only absences for medical or compassionate reasons will be allowed.
Ontario’s change to Directive #3 is explained in the following documents the government provided:
- ADM Memo
- Fact Sheet: Requirements in Ontario Regulation 79/10 Regarding Medical Absences for Long-Stay Residents During COVID-19
- Frequently Asked Questions: Resident Absences from Long-Term Care Homes
Oct 15, 2020 – Two more residents have recovered and discharged
Two more residents have recovered and discharged from the Markham Centre’s isolation unit back to the resident rooms. One resident remains in the unit while they continue to recover from COVID-19. One employee remains at home in isolation, and will return to work following clearance from Public Health.
Oct 11, 2020 – Sad news at Yee Hong Markham Centre
One resident of the Markham Centre has died in the COVID isolation unit. The resident passed on October 10 after testing positive for the virus in late-September. The entire Yee Hong community is saddened by this loss and the Centre has shared our condolences with the loved ones our resident left behind.
We currently have 3 residents who are positive for COVID-19 and they are recovering in the Centre’s isolation unit. That’s where we can safely provide care without risk of transmission to others. The unit is staffed with a Personal Support Worker and Registered Nurse 24 hours, 7 days each week, and Yee Hong physicians provide on-site and virtual coverage. A Nurse Practitioner with advanced clinical training and an expanded scope of practice is assigned full-time to support the unit.
The Markham Centre appreciates the continuing support of York Region Public Health, Ministry officials and local health system partners to protect our seniors from the global pandemic. Yee Hong has taken every measure to prepare for the pandemic’s second wave and our team is determined to contain the virus.
Oct 9, 2020 – Markham Centre employee tests positive for COVID-19
A positive COVID test result was returned Thursday for an employee of the Markham Centre. The employee was tested October 2 and has not been in contact with residents or other staff members since a shift on October 1. The employee is isolating at home during recovery.
Oct 6, 2020 – In-person visits suspended at all Yee Hong centres
The Ontario government has made a change to Directive #3 prohibiting general visiting for the regions of Peel and Toronto long-term care homes effective Wednesday, October 7th. This change will mean a suspension of Yee Hong’s indoor and outdoor visiting programs at the Mississauga, Finch and McNicoll Centres. Visiting was already suspended at the Markham Centre due to a COVID outbreak. The government’s directive is available here.
Under certain circumstances the government has said a designated caregiver may continue to enter the long-term care home to provide care during the visitor ban. The government defined the caregiver’s role in September in a Visitor Policy. For more information, please contact the Director of Resident Care of your long-term care centre.
Virtual visits will continue at all four Yee Hong Centres. Our Video Chat program remains the most convenient and most common way for families to connect with loved ones living at Yee Hong. Stay connected to your loved one with a video call, and help us to animate and energize our residents during the global pandemic. Book your next appointment online using the Visit Request Form.
Oct 5, 2020 – Markham Centre update
As of Monday, five residents recovered and discharged from the Markham Centre’s isolation unit back to the resident rooms. Three others remain in the unit while they continue to recover from COVID-19. One employee remains at home in isolation, and will return to work following clearance from Public Health.
Yee Hong tests continuously for COVID infection anytime symptoms are present, when exposure is suspected, and every other week to monitor the health status of long-term care staff. Staff surveillance results for the Markham Centre testing on September 24th have all returned negative. A new round of surveillance testing for all staff will occur Thursday, October 8.
Sep 29, 2020 – Additional Markham test results
COVID-19 cases increased at the Markham Centre, where an outbreak was declared earlier this month. Six residents in total are in the Centre’s isolation unit after three new residents tested positive for the virus. Two other residents discharged from the isolation unit and returned to their rooms.
To date, no new employee cases have been identified. However, laboratory results are not yet complete after a round of testing on September 24.
Additional staff from other Yee Hong facilities are redeploying to Markham to support that Centre’s hardworking team. All staff in the building are assigned to separate “cohorted” teams and specific floors during the COVID outbreak to limit cross-contamination.
Sep 24, 2020 – Markham employee back to work after 14 day quarantine
One employee returned to work at the Markham Centre after two weeks of COVID quarantine. Two negative tests confirm no evidence of the virus. Team members were pleased and relieved to see their colleague back at work and in good health.
Two more staff members are at home in isolation as a result of the Markham Centre COVID outbreak. Earlier this month an employee’s positive result during routine surveillance testing was the first sign the virus was present in the building. Yee Hong wishes both our colleagues a speedy recovery.
Sep 23, 2020 – Markham Centre resident tests positive for COVID-19
A positive COVID test result was returned today for a 4th floor resident of the Markham Centre. The resident transferred to the isolation unit on the ground floor of our building to eliminate the risk of transmission to others. Five residents in total are in the unit and all five are comfortable and stable. Previously, three staff members also tested positive and they are isolating themselves at home.
Sep 21, 2020 – Four residents of the Markham Centre are receiving care in our isolation unit
One Markham Centre resident on the 5th floor and another from the 4th floor tested positive for COVID-19 on September 20. Both residents have been transferred to our isolation unit on the ground floor of the building. Yee Hong staff, physicians, and the management team have been preparing for the pandemic’s second wave, and those measures are now being tested by events at the Markham Centre.
As of September 21st, four residents of the Markham Centre are receiving care in our isolation unit. This is a new clinical space that was outfitted but never used during the pandemic’s first wave. The unit is staffed with a PSW and Registered Nurse 24 hours, 7 days each week, and Yee Hong physicians provide on-site and virtual coverage. A nurse practitioner with advanced clinical training and an expanded scope of practice is assigned full-time to support the unit.
Careful surveillance for COVID symptoms on all floors helped to identify new evidence of the virus on the 5th floor, outside the containment measures established on the 4th floor. All other residents of the 5th floor tested negative and have no symptoms. Markham Stouffville Hospital IPAC specialists were in the centre last week and did a full review confirming that best-practice infection control measures are already in place.
Comprehensive testing of staff and residents has been undertaken. Our teams are already organized into self-contained cohorts to prevent further spread while we wait for more Laboratory results. Vigilant staff, early intervention, and enhanced hygiene are working to contain further spread. More information will be reported here as additional test data from the week of September 14th becomes available.
Sep 15, 2020 – Yee Hong Markham Centre residents positive for COVID-19
Two residents of the Yee Hong Markham Centre have tested positive for COVID-19. York Region Public Health confirmed the test results from a swab collected September 10, 2020. The residents are stable and being transferred from the 4th floor to our isolation unit on the ground floor in the Markham Centre where we can safely provide care without risk of transmission to staff and other residents.
Three staff members have also tested positive for the virus. York Region Public Health declared a COVID-19 outbreak at the Centre on September 9 after the first employee tested positive, and subsequent rounds of testing revealed spread to two more employees. All three employees are isolated at home.
These positive cases trace back to test swabs collected for surveillance screening of all staff conducted every two weeks in Ontario long-term care homes. Testing on September 4 corresponds with our first reported case on September 9, and later testing to verify the extent of the outbreak revealed new cases reported today. Long-term care homes have lately been challenged with longer waits to receive laboratory results.
Vigilant staff, enhanced hygiene and immediate containment are working to limit further spread. Effective immediately, Markham Centre visiting policies have been suspended. More information will be reported here as additional test data becomes available.
Today’s result is unfortunate and comes in spite of our thorough and proactive response to the global COVID-19 pandemic. This is troubling news for all our residents, their families and our dedicated staff on the floor now under quarantine. The entire Yee Hong team is pulling together to implement a comprehensive safety plan and to support the health of Markham Centre residents. We wish our three colleagues at home a speedy recovery.
Sep 14, 2020 – A second employee of Yee Hong’s Markham Centre has tested positive for COVID-19
A second employee of Yee Hong’s Markham Centre has tested positive for COVID-19 over the weekend. The employee is isolated at home. A total of two staff at the Centre are positive for the virus. The most stringent infection control measures are in place and all residents on the 4th floor were tested on September 10th. Not all results are in yet but those that have been received so far are negative. A new round of staff testing is currently under way.
York Region Public Health declared a COVID-19 outbreak at the Centre last week after the first employee tested positive for COVID-19. Vigilant staff, early intervention and enhanced hygiene are working to contain further spread. More information will be reported here as additional test data becomes available.
Sep 9, 2020 – COVID-19 detected in Yee Hong Markham Centre employee
COVID-19 has been detected in an employee of the Markham Centre. The employee shows no symptoms, has not been in contact with residents since September 7 and is isolated at home to prevent spread to others. All the best-practice infection control measures are already in place throughout the Markham Centre.
Sep 3, 2020 – New dates for Yee Hong Grocery Service
Yee Hong continues to bring healthy, affordable food to people in need with a volunteer-based grocery delivery service. We’re supporting seniors and individuals living with a disability or low income during the pandemic. Details are available here. Please contact Sophie Ma at 416-412-4571 x2601 or email to register and place orders.
Every week, clients have the option of ordering one or more of the preset grocery packages and have them delivered to their homes by one of our volunteers on Friday afternoon. Clients only need to pay for the value of the package (no taxes or other fees including delivery will be added).
Service Areas
Scarborough: Highway 404 to Markham Road and Highway 7 to Sheppard Avenue
Mississauga: Erin Mills Parkway to Hurontario Street and Highway 401 to Queen Elizabeth Way
Order Dates (submitted by 11:30am)
September 1
September 8
September 15
September 22
September 29
Delivery Dates (2:00-4:00pm)
September 4
September 11
September 18
September 25
October 2
Aug 25, 2020 – Paid Home Care Services Resumed!
Our paid home care services have resumed! Light home making, grocery shopping, and light meal preparation is now available to existing clients. We will soon be able to take on new clients – do not hesitate to contact us at 416-940-4809 for a free assessment. We look forward to providing much needed relief.
Aug 21, 2020 – Markham Adult Day Program Porch Visit
As part of the implementation of CPS reopening plan, starting Aug 5th Markham ADP launched “Porch Visits” to better support Adult Day Program (ADP) clients in the community. This service is especially important for people who have been socially isolated and depressed due to the lack of activities and interaction during the Pandemic.
In the first round porch visit the Markham ADP staff team, along with Andy Leung, Director of CSS (Community Support Services), and our driver from Yee Hong’s Transportation team, visited 14 clients who do not have access to Virtual Services from Markham ADP. All clients were very happy to see Yee Hong’s visiting team after nearly 5 months without in-person ADP programs that were suspended in mid-March. During the visit, clients and caregivers warmly chatted with ADP staff. Staff wore face masks and they maintained a safe physical distance.
Thanks to the generous donation from Markham ADP colleague Abby Chan and her family, the visiting team were able to present small gift pack with cloth masks and bean bags to all clients. These gifts were welcome and appreciated by all clients who received a visit. The Markham ADP Porch Visits will continue on a weekly basis.
Aug 11, 2020 – Yee Hong Grocery Service
This summer we’re bringing healthy, affordable food to people in need.
Yee Hong has received funding from the Ontario Community Support Association to establish a volunteer-based grocery delivery service to support seniors and individuals living with a disability or low income during the pandemic. Details are available here. Please contact Sophie Ma at 416-412-4571 x2601 or email to register and place orders.
Every week, clients have the option of ordering one or more of the preset grocery packages and have them delivered to their homes by one of our volunteers on Friday afternoon. Clients only need to pay for the value of the package (no taxes or other fees including delivery will be added).
Service Areas
Scarborough: Highway 404 to Markham Road and Highway 7 to Sheppard Avenue
Mississauga: Erin Mills Parkway to Hurontario Street and Highway 401 to Queen Elizabeth Way
Order Dates (submitted by 11:30am)
August 11
August 18
August 25
Delivery Dates (2:00-4:00pm)
August 14
August 21
August 28
Aug 4, 2020 – In-person services restored in Yee Hong Garden Terrace
Yee Hong Garden Terrace restored several services suspended earlier this year during the provincial emergency. These programs resumed in-person or online in August:
- YHGT restored Clinic services including foot clinic, blood work & physiotherapy. All YHGT residents are welcome to participate. Please contact YHGT Clinic to register.
- Virtual Programs: Tai Chi Class, Drum Class, Individual Exercise & Diabetic Virtual Consultation. All YHGT residents are welcome to join, please contact YHGT Management Office to register.
- Live Chat: connecting residents with friends and families. All YHGT residents are welcome to join, please contact YHGT Management Office to register.
Jun 30, 2020 – Yee Hong families can register online to visit a loved one
Yee Hong families can register online to visit a loved one. Appointments are scheduled Monday to Friday during the day to make additional staffing available for this new outdoor program. A staff person will return each resident to their floor at the end of the family visit.
We expect a large number of requests each week and we have limited space to safely seat people in our gardens and outdoor spaces. For greater fairness after the province-wide lockdown, Yee Hong will prioritize short visits to accommodate the largest number of families. Teams of staff are assigned to move residents safely down to the garden and back again on half-hour intervals, leaving about 20 minutes for a typical visit. Please arrive promptly for your appointment and maintain 2m of physical distance to help us prevent unsafe crowding at entrances.
The global pandemic continues, and our top priority remains the safety of residents and staff. Please review the safety instructions to prepare for your visit. The provincial government requires a recent test of your COVID status to visit an Ontario long-term care home.
Families register online for an Outdoor Visit. For each request a staff person will contact the family to schedule a suitable date and time for their visit. A schedule will be developed for all visits in each Centre, tracking confirmed sessions to avoid double-booking and to get the resident ready with help from PSWs and nurses. We accommodate requests for a special day or time as often as we can.
Jun 22, 2020 – Negative tests for COVID-19 in all four Yee Hong Centres
Comprehensive testing of long-term care staff returned negative results for all Yee Hong staff. No employees working in any Yee Hong Centre have the virus. The provincial government has ordered COVID testing twice in June, at the beginning of the month and at the end of the month, for everyone working in long-term care.
Jun 16, 2020 – COVID-19 has been detected in an employee of the Yee Hong Markham Centre
COVID-19 has been detected in an employee of the Markham Centre. Incomplete results are available for other staff at the long-term care home and no other positive tests have been identified at this time. The employee shows no symptoms and is isolated at home to prevent spread to others. All the best-practice infection control measures are already in place throughout the Markham Centre. The affected employee is being retested to confirm their status.
These cases were identified during comprehensive testing of all staff for the government’s preventive screening program in Ontario long-term care homes. Staff were swabbed on Friday, June 12 by a LHIN test team. More detailed information will be posted to this website once we receive the complete set of results.
Jun 12, 2020 – Visitors return to Yee Hong in June
On June 11 the government announced family visitors would be welcome again at Ontario long-term care homes after June 18, 2020. We’re excited to bring families back together at Yee Hong after so many months apart.
At this time the government’s visitor ban remains in place. Yee Hong is reviewing the Ontario visitor guidelines which will be subject to strict health and safety protocols. The government prepared this guide Resuming Visits in Long-Term Care Homes. Please review Page 4 for “Visitor Requirements.”
We’ve been anticipating this change and we’ll be cautious and prudent as resident safety is our top priority. As a first step we’re developing a “fresh air” strategy to bring our residents outside and back to their units, maintaining physical distance while we give everyone a turn to enjoy the outdoors.
Once our residents are outdoors we’ll find safe and fun strategies to re-introduce family members at all 4 Yee Hong Centres.
Yee Hong will move carefully and keep the focus on safety for our residents and staff. Continue to watch our website for details as they become available.
Jun 12, 2020 – Drop off special items and care packages for your loved ones at Yee Hong
Family members may drop off care packages and clothing for their loved ones starting Monday, June 22.
Yee Hong staff will be assigned to clean and disinfect your special items before delivery to resident floors. Clothing will be laundered in our facility. Place your items in a clear package so we can see what it is. Add a label with the resident’s name, room number, a list of the contents, your contact information and the date you dropped it off.
- Yes please: Summer clothing, reading, gifts, photos and mementos.
- No thanks: Please don’t send food, drinks or valuables.
We cannot be responsible for any damage that occurs due to cleaning and disinfection.
To avoid crowding when our staff come and go during shift changes, this service is available Monday-Friday, 10:00am-2:00pm. Park out front in a space reserved for visitors, enter at the front door, and drop your package with the staff person at the screening desk. We do not have staff available to safely receive your packages on the weekend.
Jun 12, 2020 – Better access to care in Seneca Towers
As part of the North York Toronto COVID-19 Community Responsive Team, a Yee Hong health professional is available for the tenants at Seneca Tower, a Seniors Housing at 1700 Finch Ave, E. to deal with health and self-isolation issues related to the COVID-19 situation.
The health professional can refer the tenants to primary care physicians and community services via phone, virtual or in-person supports. This is an additional resource to help the tenants at Seneca Tower to mitigate the risk of COVID-19 and to address the secondary health effects of self-isolation and social distancing.
To connect with the health professional at Seneca Tower, please call: 416-940- 4817.
Jun 12, 2020 – Yee Hong Meal Delivery Service
During this unprecedented time, food access can become a challenge for older adults and seniors. Those living with limited mobility and/or a chronic illness such as dementia, limited technology access to order food, and who live alone are particularly vulnerable. To better support these individuals, Yee Hong has partnered with Sam Woo BBQ to deliver hot meals free of delivery fees to adults and seniors living in the community. This service is currently offered at Seneca Towers, Villa Elegance, and Yee Hong Garden Terrace and is generously supported by the Central East Local Health Integration Network’s Ontario Dementia Strategy.
Jun 5, 2020 – We are all in this together!
May 24, 2020 – Update: no COVID-19 at Mississauga Centre
Peel Region Public Health today withdrew an outbreak order from the Yee Hong Centre – Mississauga site. A resident tested positive from a sample taken May 20 and it seemed to indicate an outbreak. A comprehensive investigation of staff and residents contradicts the original result. The resident has no symptoms, two new test samples collected from the resident are negative for COVID-19, and dozens of staff and residents have since tested negative themselves. There is no evidence of COVID-19 at the Mississauga Centre.
May 22, 2020 – COVID-19 has been detected in a resident of the Yee Hong Centre – Mississauga site
COVID-19 has been detected in a resident of the Yee Hong Centre – Mississauga site. The resident shows no symptoms and has been isolated from others since March 15 to permit regular treatments for another condition outside the Mississauga Centre. All the best-practice infection control measures are already in place throughout the facility and there are no affected employees.
The resident has been retested. A second swab has been sent to confirm their COVID status. More detailed information will be posted to this website once we receive the complete set of results.
May 21, 2020 – Yee Hong residents all negative for COVID-19 (News Release)
Public health authorities confirmed Yee Hong seniors and staff are COVID-free in four long-term care homes. A total of 1698 test swabs were taken at four locations between May 4 and May 18 to confirm our residents are healthy and safe from the virus.
Yee Hong residents all negative for COVID-19 (PDF full text)
May 21, 2020 – COVID-19 not present during public health screening
Public health authorities confirmed Yee Hong seniors and staff are COVID-free in four long-term care homes as of May 18. Yee Hong undertook comprehensive testing in all four long-term care homes in conjunction with the local health units. This examination is according to the government directive to test all residents and staff.
May 19, 2020 – COVID-19 is not present at Yee Hong Centre – Scarborough-Finch
Toronto Public Health confirmed COVID-19 is not present at Yee Hong Scarborough-Finch. No residents of any Yee Hong Centre are positive for the virus.
May 15, 2020 – Three Yee Hong Centres are COVID-free after comprehensive testing
Starting May 4, Yee Hong undertook comprehensive testing in all four long-term care homes in conjunction with the local health units. We are very pleased to share with families and friends that the Mississauga, Markham and Scarborough-McNicoll Centres are confirmed to have no cases of COVID-19. This examination is according to the government directive to test all residents and staff.
May 15, 2020 – Yee Hong’s Infection Prevention and Control Measures
Staff and managers take precautions to prevent infection from spreading within Yee Hong Centres. Take a closer look at special measures introduced in March 2020.
May 15, 2020 – COVID-19 has been detected in a resident of the Yee Hong Centre – Scarborough-Finch site
COVID-19 has been detected in a resident of the Yee Hong Centre – Scarborough-Finch site. Incomplete results for all staff at the facility indicate three positive employee tests as well. The resident and employees show no symptoms and are isolated to prevent spread to others. All the best-practice infection control measures are already in place throughout the facility and the affected employees are at home. Each of the positive cases is being retested to confirm their status.
These cases were identified during comprehensive testing of all staff and residents for the government’s preventive screening program in Ontario long-term care homes. Staff and residents were swabbed on Monday, May 11 by a mobile test team from Scarborough Health Network. More detailed information will be posted to this website once we receive the complete set of results.
May 6, 2020 – Update: no COVID-19 at Scarborough-McNicoll Centre
Toronto Public Health today withdrew an outbreak order from the Yee Hong Centre – Scarborough-McNicoll site. A resident’s positive test on April 21 seemed to indicate an outbreak but a comprehensive investigation of staff and residents contradicts the original result. The resident has no symptoms, three new test samples collected from the resident are negative for COVID-19, and dozens of staff and residents have since tested negative themselves. The McNicoll site becomes the second Yee Hong facility to lift a COVID-19 outbreak without any residents becoming infected.
May 6, 2020 – Angela’s back!
Angela Yin, a Registered Nurse at Yee Hong’s Markham Centre, returned to work on May 5 after recovering from COVID-19. The management team and Angela’s colleagues stood in the lobby a safe distance from one another at 3pm yesterday. When Angela rounded the corner, everyone erupted into applause.
May 4, 2020 – New testing reveals no evidence of a COVID-19 outbreak at McNicoll site
New testing reveals no evidence of a COVID-19 outbreak at the Yee Hong Centre – Scarborough-McNicoll site as of Monday, May 4. Toronto Public Health confirmed three consecutive negative tests for the resident who tested positive some weeks ago. The resident has never shown COVID symptoms of any kind, and no credible vector for infection can be identified. We have asked Toronto Public Health to assess whether the original result was a false positive or some other error. Subsequent tests of 25 other residents on the first floor and dozens of McNicoll employees are all negative for the virus. All Yee Hong long term care staff and residents will be tested according to the government’s latest directive to the long-term care sector.
May 3, 2020 – No cases of COVID-19 at Yee Hong Mississauga Centre after comprehensive testing
Peel Region Public Health has confirmed that all COVID-19 tests conducted at Yee Hong Centre – Mississauga on April 29, including 195 residents and 205 staff, came back negative. This comprehensive testing was part of the Ontario government’s push to test all long-term care homes in the province. We will continue to be vigilant and follow all the measures we have diligently put in place to keep our homes safe for everyone.
May 1, 2020 – Touchless Door Opener installed at Yee Hong Garden Terrace
Yee Hong Garden Terrace has been putting lots of focus on eliminating the spread of COVID-19. We always put great emphasis on hand hygiene and practicing physical distancing. This approach is good but our property team is also striving for excellence by installing the touchless door opening sensor in the two multipurpose rooms. Residents simply raise their hands in front of the sensor and the door will open automatically. This will reduce the surface to be touched, thereby cutting off the chain of virus transmission.
Apr 22, 2020 – Update: COVID-19 detected at Yee Hong Centre – Scarborough-McNicoll
COVID-19 has been detected in a resident of the Yee Hong Centre – Scarborough-McNicoll site. The resident shows no symptoms and her case was uncovered while investigating a previous employee positive test. The other 25 residents in that unit tested negative and have no symptoms. Best-practice infection control measures are already in place and all staff on the unit are being tested.
Apr 21, 2020 – No residents affected as COVID-19 outbreak ends at Yee Hong Markham Centre (News Release)
York Region Public Health declared the COVID-19 outbreak is over at the Yee Hong Markham Centre on April 20, 2020. Vigilant staff, early intervention and effective mitigation strategies helped contain a single case at the Centre after an employee tested positive for COVID-19. No residents of the Markham Centre were affected by the virus.
No residents affected as COVID-19 outbreak ends at Yee Hong Markham Centre (PDF full text)
Apr 21, 2020 – Yee Hong hosted phone-in sessions in April to address questions and concerns
Yee Hong hosted phone-in sessions in April to address questions and concerns. Clinical leaders in each Yee Hong Centre opened special teleconference lines to bring family members up to date on April 2 (Mississauga), April 6 (Markham), April 8 (Finch) and April 16 (McNicoll).
Callers raised hundreds of questions, most of them covering similar themes: safety measures, virus testing, resident care, changing work rules and staffing practices. A total of 575 callers joined the four teleconferences, and in a poll of participants more than 90% said they were “Very Satisfied” or “Satisfied” with what they heard.
Although it hasn’t been possible to answer every question submitted – occasionally we get emails with more than 20 questions – Yee Hong is committed to transparency during the global pandemic. New dates for May teleconferences will be announced soon – watch your email and for details.
Apr 20, 2020 – Yee Hong CEO video message posted
Apr 16, 2020 – COVID-19 FAQ updated
Apr 13, 2020 – COVID-19 detected at Yee Hong Centre – Scarborough-McNicoll
COVID-19 has been detected in an employee of the Yee Hong Centre – Scarborough-McNicoll site. The employee had been exposed to an active outbreak at another healthcare facility and has not worked at Yee Hong since an overnight shift on one of the care units from April 1-2. Toronto Public Health confirmed the test result on Sunday, April 12 and declared a “Suspected Outbreak” to better monitor the situation over the next 4 to 5 days. At this time there is no evidence of spread to any resident or other staff of the McNicoll Centre.
Apr 13, 2020 – Yee Hong team switches roles to serve our seniors
The global pandemic brought sudden and dramatic changes to Yee Hong.
In March, most programs and classes were suspended for seniors living in the community. Group activities stopped, and the government banned visitors and volunteers in our long-term care homes. During these uncertain times, our seniors suddenly had fewer choices.
Employees in the Community and Professional Services (CPS) division want to be part of the solution. Social Workers, the program coordinator and program workers, assistants and aides, all took on new duties in long-term care when the pandemic put their regular work on hold. Even the minibus drivers took new assignments indoors when the shuttle service was suspended!
Over 60 colleagues moved temporarily to help long-term care residents while the Active Senior Program, Transportation Services, Volunteer Development, Social Workers, Congregate Dining and Adult Day Program are placed on hold. A few more chose to work in Home Support Services, where Yee Hong continues to provide LHIN-funded assistance to seniors in their own homes.
The team has shown its dedication to Yee Hong seniors many times. The real test came the weekend of March 28-29 when a part-time long-term care employee tested positive for COVID-19. CPS managers and senior leaders pulled a call together with redeployed staff, answered their questions and addressed their concerns about workplace safety. The entire CPS team showed up for work Monday morning, and helped our Markham residents through a very difficult day.
On top of the duties related to deployment, some staff members continue to support their Congregate Dining and Adult Day Program clients on the telephone. Remote programs for exercise, education and more are in development to keep our seniors engaged and active wherever they live, in long-term care or in the community.
Apr 8, 2020 – Good News During COVID-19 blog launched
In these extraordinary and unprecedented times, good news can be hard to find. Yee Hong is launching this new blog to bring you heartwarming, feel-good stories from our community. We hope you enjoy them as much as we do.
Good News During COVID-19 blog
Apr 7, 2020 – Love and Care in a Global Crisis (News Release)
As the situation with COVID-19 continues to evolve, the government calls on everyone to stay home and practice social distancing, but it doesn’t mean that we would stop caring for each other in the community. In the past few days, Yee Hong Community Wellness Foundation has received generous donations of face masks, gloves and other critical personal protective equipment from individuals and organizations.
Love and Care in a Global Crisis (PDF full text)
Apr 1, 2020 – Video chat service extremely popular
Yee Hong’s video chat service to connect families during the COVID-19 crisis has proven to be extremely popular. Since the launch of the service last week, we have completed 412 chat calls for residents isolated from their loved ones. Yee Hong staff make every effort to respond to chat requests in an organized and timely manner.
Mar 31, 2020 – Positive test for COVID-19 at Yee Hong Markham Centre (News Release)
COVID-19 has been detected in one employee of the Yee Hong Markham Centre. As a precaution to prevent an outbreak, and alongside York Region Public Health, we implemented isolation protocols on the 2nd floor of our Markham Centre. The affected staff person is isolated at home and has not been in contact with our residents since March 24, 2020. Two close workplace contacts of the positive test staff person are on 14-day isolation at home.
Positive test for COVID-19 at Yee Hong Markham Centre (PDF full text)
Mar 27, 2020 – COVID-19 FAQ Translations
Translations in Simplified and Traditional Chinese of our new COVID-19 FAQ page are now available.
Mar 26, 2020 – COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions
In response to frequent questions from residents, families and other concerned persons, we are introducing a new FAQ page on Yee Hong’s response to the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic.
COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions
Mar 25, 2020 – Day Program and Congregate Dining Status Updates
As a result of further development in the COVID-19 situation, Day Programs and Congregate Dining at all homes and community will not be reopening on April 5 and the status will change to until further notice.
Mar 22, 2020 – Announcement of Connecting Family with Residents via Video Chat
In order to support our residents and their loved ones during this time, we are providing video chat services to help our long-term care residents connect with their family members. If you would like to talk to your loved ones through video chat, please complete the online registration form and we will get back to you with further information as soon as possible.
Mar 20, 2020 – Recorded hotline now available
A recorded hotline (in English, Mandarin, and Cantonese) is available at 416-940-4815 with the latest information about building access, service changes and the status of our pandemic response at Yee Hong.
Mar 17, 2020 – Yee Hong program and service cancellations due to COVID-19
Over the weekend, we made important changes to policies to restrict non-essential visitors from entering our long-term care homes, which we implemented as of 12am midnight March 14.
As a result, many services were cancelled for seniors living in the community. Here is the list of services/programs affected:
- Day programs and congregate dining programs at all homes (cancelled until April 5)
- All active senior programs, including Macrobian Club classes
- Private home care
- Transportation services
Mar 15, 2020 – Announcement of Cancellation of Services
In light of the recent Ontario Health directive, Yee Hong will be restricting entry to our long-term care homes as of midnight March 14th for all visitors. As a result, all of our day programs and congregate dining programs will be closed March 16 until April 5.
Cancellation of Services (PDF full text)
Mar 15, 2020 – Preparation for Pandemic
Yee Hong has been actively reviewing our pandemic plans and readiness for business continuation. Clinical and corporate leaders continue to meet frequently to review the latest clinical and governmental information and to coordinate any necessary changes to our actions. Our staff members and volunteers continue to be screened.
We have taken additional proactive measures such as cancelling large group activities and cancelling all of our active senior programs, adult day programs, congregate dining programs, transportation, private home care, and any other programming.
Preparation for Pandemic (PDF full text)
Mar 15, 2020 – Directive to restrict entry (Ontario Ministry of Health)
It is our priority to keep our residents safe. In light of the recent Ontario Health directive we will be restricting entry to our buildings as of midnight March 14th for all visitors to include hired sitters. We will disable passes to prevent entry.
This is a highly unusual time and we understand that preventing visits will make you feel some level of anxiety. Please trust that we have a shared interest in protecting our residents and our focus is on prevention and spread of the COVID-19.
Ontario Ministry of Health memo (PDF full text)
Mar 13, 2020 – Yee Hong service changes due to global COVID-19 pandemic (News Release)
In response to the global COVID-19 pandemic, several changes to Yee Hong programs for seniors living in the community were announced today:
- Active Seniors Programs are suspended as of Saturday, March 14.
- Yee Hong Volunteer Recognition Day scheduled April 4 is postponed
- National Volunteer Week events in April will be rescheduled
Yee Hong service changes due to global COVID-19 pandemic (PDF full text)
Mar 11, 2020 – Active screening begins for COVID-19
On March 9, 2020, the Ontario government instructed all long-term care homes to begin active screening of all visitors, new admissions, re-admissions, and returning residents. Depending on recent travel history and health status, some people will not be allowed to enter our long-term care facilities. For people who do, hand hygiene is the best way to stop the spread of infection.