Ivan Ip is a registered nurse and a certified health executive (CHE). He completed his graduate studies at Queen’s University. Currently, he is a CHE Evaluator and is pursuing the Fellowship Program (FCCHL) with the Canadian College of Health Leaders.
First joined Yee Hong in February 2017 as the Director, Quality and Performance. He assumed the Executive Director, McNicoll Centre position in January 2018 and transitioned to the Vice President, Organization and System Transformation role in May 2021.
Prior to joining Yee Hong, locally, Ivan was the Corporate Manager, Organizational Effectiveness, leading Quality, Patient Safety and Clinical Resources Utilization portfolio at Hamilton Health Sciences, a tertiary care facility with seven hospitals and he was a Critical Care Program Manager in Kingston, Ontario. Regionally, he was the Regional Executive Director, Victorian Order of Nurses (Home and Community Services), Eastern Lake Ontario. Provincially, he was the VP, Client Services, Arthritis Society of Ontario. Nationally, he was the Director, Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting, Health Council of Canada. In this role, he led the research and policy teams to work with jurisdictions and researchers to generate reports on system-wide perspective on health care reform, leading practices, and innovation in Canada under the Canada Health Accord 2004 – a 10-year plan to strengthen health care.
Currently, Ivan is Co-chairing, Scarborough Long-Term Care Home/Scarborough Health Network Partnership Committee; and co-leading “Compassionate North York”, one of the initiatives of the North York Toronto Health Partners (Ontario Health Team). He is a member of the NYTHP Integrated Palliative and Supportive Care Committee. As well, he is a member of the Mississauga OHT Data Strategy Planning Table.