Brandishing shiny shears and a bright yellow comb, Finch Centre’s beloved hairstylist, Vivian works her magic on a resident’s silver locks. From the moment on-site salons at Yee Hong Centres reopened in February, the hardworking hairstylist has been met with fully booked appointment lists, day after day.

Although she is busier than ever, Vivian is extremely happy to be back and giving residents their long-anticipated haircuts. Residents share the same sentiment.

Ever since salons closed last December due to COVID-19 restrictions, our residents have eagerly awaited their reopening. For residents, a trip down to the salon means so much more than just a haircut. The seemingly simple experience has a profound impact on residents’ emotional wellbeing and overall quality of life.

Being able to head down to the salon and be pampered with a professional haircut brings excitement and breathes new life into daily routines. Residents leave the salon refreshed and feeling like a whole new person!

Moreover, many residents form a relationship with their hairstylist, so their appointment becomes an additional opportunity for social connection, a fact Vivian can attest to. On Vivian’s first day back, many residents wanted to stay after their haircuts to chat and catch up with their stylist friend.

And in the current pandemic reality, resuming regular personal care routines also symbolizes a collective step towards normalcy, bringing us ever closer to the light at the end of this tunnel and offering a renewed sense of hope.

Providing safe and convenient access to personal care services is an important piece of the work we do at Yee Hong to help residents live life to the fullest and support their dignified and independent aging. We’re extremely happy that on-site salons across our Centres are open once again.

To schedule an appointment for a Finch Centre resident, phone Vivian at 416-999-2998. At the McNicoll Centre, phone George at 416-293-3999 or 416-277-8339. Residents at Markham and Mississauga Centres can schedule a cut with help from their care team.