A hero is a person who is admired for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities. At Yee Hong, there are many such heroes who go beyond the call of duty to sacrifice their time and energy for others during COVID-19. Here are their stories.

A daily motivational note written by Abby Chan

Abby Chan has been re-assigned to the Markham Centre Long-Term Care home from her regular job as part-time Program Assistant of Adult Day Program since the ban of non-essential visitors. Her duties in the LTC home include assisting residents on the fourth floor with their morning routine, feeding and activation programs.

One of the programs is the video chat. Abby made an extra effort to accommodate a family’s request to have the video chat with the resident at a particular time which all family members were there to have his blessing for the grandchild who just got engaged. When the resident started to say his blessing, all family members on the other end cried with joy. They thanked Abby again and again for her help.

Abby takes time to write motivational quotes and post sticky notes on the display board in the office. She encourages fellow team members and boosts their spirit during these challenging times.

“Abby has not only seniors in mind but also the community too,” says Tracy Li, Program Coordinator. “She reached out to her friends who helped print 3-D mask hooks for Yee Hong colleagues, asked her parents to make cloth masks for those in need, and contacted her community group to donate masks to health care organizations.”