Throughout the COVID-19 crisis, Yee Hong has received many notes of appreciation from our residents and families, and we are delighted to share some of them with you in this occasional series.

“We appreciate and thank you for taking the time to organize this teleconference… We would also like to express our gratitude to the health care staff and internal staff for all your continuous support and dedication in looking after our love ones.”

“I also want express my sincere thank you to all the staff, management, volunteers and especially the sanitary staff to keep my dear family member living on the 5th floor safe and fine so far.”

“Thank you for the opportunity to voice our concerns.”

“I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the staff, especially the front line staff, for their hard work during this difficulty time.”

“Thank you from the bottom of our hearts, to everyone at Yee Hong, for their hard work and care to keep all our loved ones safe.”