Throughout the COVID-19 crisis, Yee Hong has received many notes of appreciation from our residents and families, and we are delighted to share some of them with you in this occasional series.

“[The Mississauga Centre teleconference for families] was well run and provided useful and reassuring info for those of us locked out on the outside… some much needed anxiety relief. Thank you for holding the conference, it is very MUCH appreciated.”

“Words cannot express our gratitude to all the staff at this great facility and we thank each area for your compassion and care for our loved ones. We have always been confident that our loved ones are in good hands and we have never doubt the dedication demonstrated by each and every member of the team at Yee Hong.”

“Thank you to all of you for your dedication and hard work to keep the building clean and disinfected. We have a peace of mind for living here. Your great effort is much appreciated!” – From residents at Evergreen Manor

“How are you and your team? These are challenging times, just want to thank you for your leadership and your teams in continuing to do your jobs and providing every effort in protecting all the seniors at YHGT. As a family member, I deeply appreciate the fantastic job everyone’s doing!

I just want to let you know that my Mom is adjusting nicely to the Assisted Living Services provided by your team. At first I was afraid of the timing of this change (COVID-19 situation) and the difficulty for her to adjust when she is used to the services provided for her by the same PSW from LHIN. However, the past 2 weeks went very well and she is enjoying the extra visits by the different PSWs. Even though she is “locked-down” in her unit, she is still very positive and doing well.