Throughout the COVID-19 crisis, Yee Hong has received many notes of appreciation from our residents, families and volunteers, and we are delighted to share some of them with you in this occasional series.

Russell and Emma Ng holding their signs of encouragement for Yee Hong staff

Russell and Emma Ng holding their signs of encouragement for Yee Hong staff

Through the drawing and sending a message, my kids Russell and Emma understand that there are staff at Yee Hong working very hard to take care of seniors, especially during this virus outbreak. We hope all staff stay strong and stay healthy. – Samantha Ng

Thank you for all your hard work in taking care of our seniors during this COVID-19 pandemic. Knowing that you have to face certain challenges in your daily work to keep residents’ safe, you are worthy of respect. Stay by you! Hang in there! – Clara Lai

I hope the activation team, the seniors, and rest of the staff are all doing well. Past few weeks have been anxious for everyone and I hope that everyone is safe at work and at home. I will return to volunteer for the branch as soon as it is deemed safe for the seniors. Please take care! – Keith Lam