Throughout the COVID-19 crisis, Yee Hong has received many notes of appreciation from our residents, families and volunteers, and we are delighted to share some of them with you in this occasional series.

Rachel Xing's encouragement for Yee Hong staff

Rachel Xing’s encouragement for Yee Hong staff

To all staff, nurses, maintenance personnel of Yee Hong Markham Center, keep up with the good job! – Mei-Lin Wong

Thank you for your hard work and persistence. During this COVID-19 pandemic, you keep serving the community. Please stay healthy. Hope the pandemic will end soon, life will be back to normal. Keep up the good work! – Johnny Wong

To Yee Hong Home Support Staff, thanks and Salute to the Yee Hong frontline teams in this extraordinary period! Hang in there, we are together! – Flora Fung and Joyce Cheng