Yee Hong video chat service

Since the start of our video chat service, requests from families have been overwhelming. In only the first seven days, we received 211 requests to video chat with a loved one. The numbers increase every day as news spreads this service is now available for Yee Hong families.

Yee Hong video chat service

Here are a few comments from families who have used the video chat service:

This activity makes me feel like meeting my parent in person. I feel relieved and satisfied seeing my parent. Thank you Yee Hong!

My mother has many health related issues. I really worry about my mother. Fortunately, Yee Hong has arranged the video chat so I can see my mom directly and know that she is doing well. I’m really happy! I think this is a meaningful activity. Thanks to Yee Hong and its staff!

This is a good activity. The elderlies do not know the current situation about COVID-19, and do not understand why we do not visit her, and therefore, they will feel depressed. But we appreciate that Yee Hong has provided the opportunity for us to meet with my parent. I feel relieved. This service is really invaluable!

Yee Hong video chat service