This March, we launched our Dementia Guidance Online Resource Hub for Chinese Communities in Canada. This free, user-friendly, and comprehensive online resource provides culturally appropriate dementia care support through articles, videos, educational resources, inspirational stories, and links to dementia care communities across Canada.

The Hub is a collaboration between Yee Hong Centre and the University of Toronto’s Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work, and was funded by the Public Health Agency of Canada’s Dementia Strategic Fund. We created it to provide all Canadians living with dementia and their caregivers with the information and inspiration to live their fullest lives.

The Hub includes five main sections with culturally appropriate Chinese translations:

  • Understanding Dementia: information on dementia symptoms, Canadian statistics, prevention strategies, and myths and misconceptions.
  • Living Well with Dementia: insights and advice for nutrition, physical and social activities, proactive planning, interventions, and safety considerations related to dementia.
  • Support & Services: links to dementia-care services and related programs, including Yee Hong’s specialized supports.
  • Sharing the Journey: inspiring stories from individuals with dementia and their caregivers.
  • Activities and Resources: A collection of activities, workshops, and training resources to empower individuals with knowledge while fostering joy and social connection.