On March 5, Dr. San Ng, Yee Hong’s Chief Executive Officer, was invited to join Zoom TV as a panelist for an Alzheimer’s’ Roundtable Panel. The episode, hosted by Libby Zimmer, was themed Dementia: Empowering Your Mind Against Dementia, and included Ngozi Iroanyah, Director, Health Equity and Access, Alzheimer Society of Ontario; Dr. Samir Sinha, Geriatrician; Dr. Adriana Shnall, Program Director of the Koschitzky Centre for Innovations in Caregiving at Baycrest; Adriana Crespo, a caregiver; and Dr. Graham Collingridge, Director, Tanz Centre for Research in Neurodegenerative Diseases.

This broadcast provided an amazing opportunity for Dr. San Ng to lend her thoughts on a deeply relevant topic to Yee Hong. The episode is now available to watch on YouTube.