颐康基金会为何捐赠?筹款及捐赠指引 善长表彰计划 节日快乐 捐款方式“颐康永久基金” 企业赞助 – 爱心伙伴 筹款活动颐康郭幼廷宁安中心 龙宴 颐康郭幼廷宁安中心 -「爱之光」筹款活动 颐康慈善高尔夫球赛 颐康A1中文电台筹款 颐康步行筹款暨家庭同乐日 「幸福的味道」慈善厨艺秀 「暖暖歌声颂亲情」慈善音乐会 九九重阳绵绵意 – 颐康网上接力竞唱九小时 添福添寿宴 「真心英雄」线上特别节目 「无私的爱」百家被筹款计划 “颐彩壁” 常见问题 传媒联络 传媒 传媒联络 周怡梦 高级公关主任 电话: 416-321-0777 分机 1821 电邮:cathy.zhou@yeehong.com 新闻发布 Date / 日期Topic / 标题 / 標題English中文 2018-12-14Ontario Government moves forward with plans to support Yee Hong Residential Hospice 2018-05-01More Long-Term Care Beds for Yee Hong in Scarborough 2018-04-27New Cultural Community Long-Term Care Home Approved in Mississauga 2017-01-28Yee Hong’s Dragon Ball to honour Joe Clark 2016-12-1228th Dragon Ball to celebrate “Canada 150” 2016-10-31Yee Hong awarded Exemplary Standing by Accreditation Canada 2016-09-16Expansion, Enhancement and Empowerment:Yee Hong Embarks on a New Five-year Strategic Plan 2016-07-23Early Blooms Montessori Daycare Opens at Yee Hong Centre 2016-05-09Yee Hong, Central East LHIN and Pallium Canada partner to increase capacity in Long-Term Care Homes 2016-02-10Yee Hong Strategic Plan 2016-2020 Survey 2016-02-06Yee Hong’s Dragon Ball 2016 ushers in Year of the Monkey 2015-12-04Yee Hong Launches 27th Dragon Ball 2015-10-15Seniors Care in federal election 2015